Day for moms…

First off, let me just wish all of you moms out there a very Happy Mother’s Day!  I hope you’re spending you day just the way you want to!

Me?  I got to sleep in until 9:00!  Jon and the kids ran out and bought my favorite, high sugar breakfast – cinnamon rolls from Duffeyroll, I played a rousing round of Hiding Kitty Cats/Let’s Pretend to Sleep/We’re on a Boat in my bed with the kids after they scarfed down half of my breakfast, and now I’m alone in a wonderfully quiet house while Jon took the kids to the grocery store. 

Isn’t it funny how satisfying, yet lonely, a house can be without the kids in it?  I feel guilty that I’m not with them, yet also guilty for enjoying my alone time.  Ah, Mother’s Guilt.

Seriously, though, my life would not be the same without those two turkeys, and as much as I’d like to think sometimes that it would be quieter, it certainly wouldn’t be happier.  Thanks, Mr. B and Miss P, for making me a Mother.  I love you…

Learning curve…

People say that having a child teaches you so much, and that their children end up teaching them more then they teach them.  While I agree with that in many aspects, I would argue that having children also makes you question yourself in many ways, and challenges your idea of what you know.  However, here are a few things I know now that I didn’t know five years ago.  I might need to amend this list and I get more enlightened…

  • I can shower, get dressed and ready for the day in the amount of one episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
  • Baby wipes can be used for last-minute dusting, and can miraculously clean up most mysterious stains on rugs and carpets.
  • The dust buster is the Best Invention Ever.  Ours recently bit the dust, and it was as if our house became engulfed in a Crumb Storm with the force of a tornado.
  • Those pre-baby jeans up on the shelf that I keep thinking one day my hips will shrink so that I can wear?  Forget it.  In to the Goodwill bin you go!
  • Little shrieks can be the most irritating and the most enjoyable sound on the planet.
  • One thing creates fights.  Two of the same thing creates more junk but less hassle.
  • Never underestimate the power of ice cream bribes.

Cue a little intro music…

Guess I should state a little about the cast of characters in this little life of mine… Me: Gina, the mother to two adorable and too-smart-for-their-own-good kids: Mr. B, who is four-years old, and Miss P, who is 17-months going on 25. I’m also a part-time modern dancer, in which I spend two days a week getting my ass kicked by women fifteen years younger than me as we take class and rehearse with a local company. I’m also the wife of a wonderfully patient, caring and funny guy named Jon, who has whisked us away to Denver, CO for his job. We had a good run in NYC before we had kids, but now feel like it’s time to settle.

In a nutshell, I spend most of my time taking care of our kids, shuttling them to various classes and school, making meals, cleaning house, and trying to carve out a minuscule amount of time for myself in the day. Like every other parent.

Oh, and today marks my 37th birthday.

The morning was spent in the usual way, with breakfast, cartoons, an argument about cartoons ending, and then heading out of the house for the kids gymnastics classes. We did manage to stop at Duffeyroll to get some birthday sugar in our blood, all the more ammo for meltdowns later on. And what I realize is, no matter how many times in the day you might tell your kids that it’s your birthday, unless they’re older, they really could care less. Mr. B only mildly calmed down when I asked him to after he blew up upon hearing our other food was in the car. And Miss P spent even more time than usual ignoring my requests to come/go/leave. Here’s hoping an adult beverage is in my immediate future…