“Let’s Play Football” app and book GIVEAWAY!

On any given fall Sunday when I was growing up, you could bet the television was on, with football as the main event.  The Saints were founded in New Orleans in 1967, and my father was there for the first game, leading to a veritable lifetime of loyalty.   Sunday was Saintsday.

Now that I’m an adult, living my husband, the protocol remains the same.  My husband is a lifelong Indianapolis Colts fan.  And a fan of college football.  Not a week goes by where there’s not some game on at least once.  So, you’d think with all of that exposure, I’d have a better understanding of football.


Even now, as my husband and son watch my son’s favorite Broncos, I stare at the screen with a confused glaze.  Yes, I know that when a team crosses in to the end zone, they score.  And that there are four quarters and four downs.  But I’ve also been known to ask if one of the teams has scored a goal.  Or a run.  A RUN, people.  Totally wrong sport.

I have no idea what players do what.  Mostly, I just sit and chuckle like a teenager when an announcer mentions the Tight End.

So when I heard about Let’s Play Football, I just had to check it out.  I mean, maybe if I knew what was going on, I might actually enjoy sitting and watching a game?

lets play cover small Lets Play Football app and book GIVEAWAY!

Let’s Play Football is a new app and book designed to teach young children (and game-remedial types such as myself) the fundamentals of football.  Just in time for Super Bowl season!

Created by two fathers (Andy Blackman Hurwitz, creator of Baby Loves Disco; and Jon Richter, a Philly-based businessman, baseball coach and dad to five), it’s a vibrantly illustrated picture book that works in tandem with a limited-time FREE APP that’s great for kids ages 3-6.  Centered around a young bear and his father, the two attend a game of their favorite team.  Who?  Why, the Bears, of course!

In the book, the young bear learns all about the timing of the game, what quarters and downs are, how to tell the offensive line from the defense and special teams, the rules of football and the culture surrounding the game.

And in case you don’t have those football terms committed to memory, there’s a handy glossary at the end!  I now know that a Tight End isn’t just the rear of someone who works out a lot, but is a player “on Offense who can block or catch a pass.”

Who am I kidding, though.  I’m probably still going to snicker.

The Training Camp section of the app acts like a quiz, helping to reinforce the concepts of football fundamentals and rules in a fun, interactive way.  Answer enough questions correctly and you’ll move your players in to the end zone.  Touchdown!

And for you football buffs, you might recognize some voices, as pro ESPN football announcer Ron Jaworski acts as narrator, and announcing the play-by-play is the radio voice of the Philadelphia Eagles, Merrill Reese.  Here’s a little taste:

The app, which includes the e-book and game, is FREE for a limited time only, so be sure to download it today HERE.

The hard book copy of Let’sPlay Football is available on their site and on Amazon.

But for one of you lucky readers, I’m giving away a copy!  One winner will receive a hard copy of Let’s Play Football.  All you have to do to enter is fill out the Rafflecopter widget below by Friday, January 24th at 11:59pm EST. Open to contiguous U.S. residents only.

I was provided a copy of these products for review purposes. All opinions are 100% completely my own.


  1. This is so cool, my son would love it because his Dad is such a football fan and he loves to watch with Daddy.
    Julia recently posted…Happiness Update – Nagging TasksMy Profile

  2. I love to watch football with my husband but do not know all the terms and what each player’s position does. Will be looking up this app! My 4 year old loves watching with daddy and even the almost 7 month old is mesmerized by it. Would be fun for them!

    Hello from the SITS tribe!
    Julie recently posted…My Profile

    • I really do feel like a moron watching football. I cheer at inappropriate times and have no clue what’s going on. I will say, the app even helped ME! And my son, though he’s a bit older, liked learning this way, too. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Blake Kaplan says:

    My child and I bond over watching Saints games. He’s still figuring things out, but we are getting there

  4. Heather B says:

    my son is only 2 but already gets excited about football. We will start teaching him about the game when he gets a little older

  5. Ashley Fryer says:

    We usually just cheer for our favorite team!

  6. Laurie Emerson says:

    We talk about football when we watch the game and they don’t quite understand what is happening.

  7. My son and his kids scream and holler though the games at our house lol



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