Surviving a sleepover: I ain’t ‘fraid of no ghosts…

ghostbuster sleepover 3 Surviving a sleepover: I aint fraid of no ghosts...

When my son was five years old, we notified him that his sixth birthday would be the last time we threw him a big party.  For a while, at least.  Maybe we’d revisit the idea of a party when he turned 10, or 12, or 16.  But either way, he’d better enjoy his sixth, because after that, he’d enter drought season.

However, that didn’t mean that we wouldn’t celebrate his birthday.  On his actual birthday a week ago, we went to dinner at a restaurant of his choosing, scarfed down some sugary dessert, and made a big deal of things.  I even brought in a treat for his class…the legendary “Fruit Cake”:

fruit cake Surviving a sleepover: I aint fraid of no ghosts...

In lieu of a big party, we told him we’d invite a small handful of friends over for dinner and a sleepover.

Yeah. A sleepover.

I’m pretty sure I’m a glutton for punishment.

With only four other boys to wrangle, I didn’t think it would be that bad.  I figured they’d spend most of the time running around, screaming their heads off, then it would be time for bed.  All I had to do was order a pizza and stay out of the way.

Except, if you know me, you know I’m incapable of doing that.

I had to have a “theme”! There must be a theme, right????

Since my son wanted to watch Ghostbusters with his buddies, I grabbed on to that idea and began scouring the internet.  Surely, I thought there was something easy I could whip up that would strike that perfect balance of keeping the boys entertained, but also hit the Cool jackpot.

Someone posted their Ghostbusters birthday party on Pinterest and that’s when I found it.

Homemade Proton Packs.

It looked easy enough.  So four days before the party, I hit the craft store for supplies and got started.

And once I did, I couldn’t stop myself.  I had to add this little flair and that flourish.  I had to not only make it look authentic, but reinforce it enough that the kids could use it over and over.  And it had to kick some ass.

Because I am a nerd.

Two days later, my house looked like a proton pack sweat shop.  Boxes and tape and tubing was everywhere. I had experienced enough hot glue burns to eradicate all of my fingerprints.

But, man, did I have fun.


ghostbusters collage 940x1024 Surviving a sleepover: I aint fraid of no ghosts...

I rigged up a spray can attachment on those suckers so we could hook up silly string cans and let the boys loose in the basement to bust some ghosts.  It was a huge hit.  Certainly not environmentally conscious, I bought 3 cans of silly string for each kid (plus my husband, my daughter and her friend) which totaled 25 cans in all.  They plowed through ALL of them in less than five minutes.

I would just replenish someone’s ammo when I’d hear “I’m OUT!”  It was a fast and furious ghost busting, to say the least.  And the next morning, as they poured their tired bodies in their parents car, they made sure to have their pack with them.

To see the smiles on their faces, the sheer excitement in their eyes, and the carpet of silly string left in their wake?  It made those three craft days worth it.

And as I sat back after I’d finished the final touches on the last proton pack, admiring my work, one glaring thought came to mind.

I think it’s time I get a day job.



  1. What a fun party!! You didn’t mention if you got any sleep that night. I remember my sons first sleepover I did not sleep a wink. The second one I got some sleep. The saddest thing was that on his fourth sleepover, for 13, I slept perfectly. They didn’t need me anymore!! Lol! I hope he had a great time!
    Kathy Radigan recently posted…Mommy Makes The World Go RoundMy Profile

    • Kathy, the sleep part wasn’t too terrible. They were in “bed” by 10ish, asleep by 11. We only had one kid have a nightmare at around 2:30 and he went right back to sleep after some reassurance. They were up for the day at 6:30 though. Yikes! We were sleeping close by, and I think we were all so exhausted that we slept like logs. Mr B absolutely loved it.

  2. chouchane says:

    It was AWESOME!!!!!!

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