Ozokiz is featured on this week's Kid Tune Tuesday.">

Ozomatli on Kid Tune Tuesday…

ktt2 Ozomatli on Kid Tune Tuesday...
Friends of mine and I were driving up to Rhode Island from NYC to attend a wedding one summer.  It was a bit of along trip, but there were 3-4 of us in the car, and plenty of laughter.  Plus, we had our buddy Dorian with us, a DJ, supplying all the tune-age.

At one point, Dorian popped in a CD of this band that I’d never heard of, and instantly my mind was blown.  The music was this mesmerizing mix of hip hop and latin and funky dance music, and I just HAD to know who the band was.

Ozomatli.  I ran out and bought the CD when we got back to the city (remember Tower records, anyone?) and listened to it almost nonstop.

6108657083 d2d2d0d114 300x150 Ozomatli on Kid Tune Tuesday...

Photo: Moacir P. de Sá Pereira via Flickr

Ozomatli’s music seemed to fill in the gaps of my music collection.  “” (my favorite track on the CD) vaguely reminds me of what I found so attractive about Digital Underground’s or Beastie Boys’ .

I’m not sure what it was that lured me in.  The large number of musicians playing horns and drums and mixing beats and genres that sounded like a block party?  The sheer eccentric quality of it?  Or the fact that there was very little music out there at the time that sounded the same?

It’s been years since I’ve kept up with the band.  But then, lo and behold, I heard an amusing song a month ago on Kids Place Live that made me turn the dial up a bit.  That sound…where had I heard that before?

The song?  “Moose on the Loose” from Ozomotli’s newest endeavor, their children’s music album OzoKidz.

Once again, I found myself re-endeared to a band because they’ve pulled at my heartstrings and started making music for kids!  “Moose on the Loose” relives the tale of someone out in the woods, coming across a moose that has, yes, you guessed it, gotten loose.

The lyrics are comical, but not too ridiculous, just the right touch of humor to make adults and kids alike chuckle.  And the music relies on what makes Ozomatli a great band for parents as well – a variety of instruments, a good tempo, and a catchy hook.

Like Ozomatli did for me over a decade ago, this album might be the missing link that rounds out your children’s music repertoire.

And this fan video? Pure genius.


Ozomatli’s album OzoKidz can be purchased through their website, iTunes and Amazon


  1. AWESOME! You had me at Digital Underground and Beastie Boys before I ever listened to it! I have a very schizophrenic music collection… (it’s beyond eclectic…. Opera to rap to Cuban to Arabic) but this is definitely something I am so looking for!

    • Your music selection sounds like something I’d like digging through! I think you’d like the eclectic fusion of this band for sure.

  2. Ooooooh–thanks for the recommendation! I’m always looking for kids’ music that I can enjoy, too. And I’ve always enjoyed Ozomatli!

    • You’re very welcome! Glad you could discover some new music. I was so excited to see this band making kids music. There are some other fun tunes on the album as well!

  3. That fan video is great! I love what kids can do now with technology. Real upbeat music, too. Thanks for sharing!

    • I know, right? I’m sure the kids had a blast making that video. I guess this family has done several of these to other songs. My kind of family!

  4. Road trips, music, friends??? That’s how the best memories are created! good times!

    • Yes, Leigh, road trips can certainly be memorable. And I love how music is the soundtrack for those memories.

  5. thank you for sharing… this is new to me. I can’t watch the videos now, so I am looking forward to it later. I’m always looking for music that I can enjoy and my kids too.

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