Boxtop Jenkins (and giveaway!) on Kid Tune Tuesday…

ktt2 Boxtop Jenkins (and giveaway!) on Kid Tune Tuesday...
Have I mentioned that my daughter has a flair for the dramatic?  She will hang on to a sour mood like a vicious dog clings to a piece of meat, and will not let go.

One thing that has worked with some mild success it asking her to fake it ’till she makes it.  Culling her incredible acting skills, I encourage her to “pretend to be happy!”  And sometimes, she’ll turn to me, those crocodile tears barely out of her tear ducts, and bat her eyelashes while coyly smile at me.  Oscar material, right there folks.

Boxtop for promo 1 226x300 Boxtop Jenkins (and giveaway!) on Kid Tune Tuesday...

Boxtop Jenkins
(Photo courtesy Boxtop Jenkins)

As we were driving in the car one day about a month ago, I heard a new song on , from an artist I didn’t recognize: Boxtop Jenkins.  The song was titled “Wag More,” the story of a dog who might just have the secret to happiness…

Wag more, bark less.  Delivered in a toe-tapping song that makes frowning while listening darn near impossible.  Then I made a mental note that this song might be a perfect fit for Kid Tune Tuesday.

As if the universe was trying to tell me something, the folks at Boxtop Jenkins contacted me to see if I would take a listen to the CD and give it a review.  Now, let me state a disclaimer right here:  This is the first time I have ever been contacted to write a review.  It makes me a bit sweaty.  But I wouldn’t have agreed to it if I hadn’t initially been so drawn to “Wag More.”

Musically, this song is a rip-roaring good time.  It’s upbeat, really fun to dance to, and has my favorite sound bite of all time, a panting dog.  Lead singer Boxtop Jenkins (Franklin Bunn) has some help on this tune with the Indigo Girls singing back up vocals, providing lush harmony to the southern sound of the tune.

“Wag More” is probably the strongest song on the album You’re Happier When You’re Happy, though there are other front runners, including “Toast and Jelly” and “Swinging Monkeys,” featuring hunka hunka burnin’ Elvis vocals.

And now for the results (“Out of 5″ Sippy Cup Rating System):

MR B:  Not quite the “House Music” I’d prefer, but I like it… four%2520sippy%2520cup%2520white Boxtop Jenkins (and giveaway!) on Kid Tune Tuesday...
MISS P:  I’m not a dog, but I can wiggle my tushie!   four%2520sippy%2520cup%2520white Boxtop Jenkins (and giveaway!) on Kid Tune Tuesday...
MOMMY:  This song stays with me…   four%2520sippy%2520cup%2520white Boxtop Jenkins (and giveaway!) on Kid Tune Tuesday...


boxtop 1 300x300 Boxtop Jenkins (and giveaway!) on Kid Tune Tuesday...And now, I present to you….MY FIRST GIVEAWAY! Whoohoo!

I’m giving away 2 copies of Boxtop Jenkins’ You’re Happier When You’re Happy CD. And just in time for the holidays!

All you have to do is enter the Rafflecopter thingy below.  Deadline to enter is Friday November 30th at midnight EST.  Available to U.S. Residents only.


Boxtop Jenkins’ You’re Happier When You’re Happy can also be purchased through his siteCD Baby or iTunes


I was provided one or more copies of the products mentioned above for free evaluation purposes.  I received this product at no charge to me and I am free to keep it for my own personal use without obligation to return it.  All opinions are 100% completely my own.

I have been nominated for Circle of Moms’ Top 25 Funny Moms! But I need YOUR VOTES to help me finish in the Top 25! I’m lumped in with some big Titans of Funny, so my chances are slim, but YOUR vote can help me get there. Just click on that nifty badge below and vote. You can vote once a day, every day until February 13th at 4pm PST. I’d appreciate it!

link badge Boxtop Jenkins (and giveaway!) on Kid Tune Tuesday...


  1. Pamela says:

    Thanks so much for the review and giveaway!

  2. Amber D. says:

    Never heard of that CD before, I looked up wag more on Amazon and listened to it! So cute! My kids would love something like this to dance to : )

  3. Columba Lisa says:

    “Wag more, bark less” is a popular bumper sticker where I live! Not sure it’s working very well though…

    • gina says:

      I believe the idea for the song was indeed from that bumper sticker. I’ve been trying to take the message to heart and wag more.

  4. Dawn Justice says:

    This song sounds like a real motivational song :) that makes you want to smile. Kids need more reasons to smile :) , they don’t realize how good they’ve got it until their too old to enjoy it lol.

    • gina says:

      It IS a pretty uplifting song with a positive message for kids. You’re so right, they DON’T know how good they have it in their youth. I was one of them!

  5. DelSheree says:

    It sounds like our daughters would get along wonderfully! My little drama queen loves to play it up. This sounds like a cute group. My daughter would love it. Thanks for the giveaway!

    • gina says:

      You’re welcome and good luck! I’m not sure what it is about little girls and drama, but some of them do know how to milk it.

  6. Cody says:

    My daughter loves anything Yo Gabba Gabba, and I find myself singing the songs when I’m alone too! They are cute and catchy and generally have pretty good messages. I’m hoping to take her to YGG Live when it comes our way next spring.

    • gina says:

      YGG is a great show, and I love the variety of musical guests they’ve had on the show. Never seen them live though. Have fun!

  7. nickie says:

    This group sounds adorable. A song that makes me happy is old Mcdonald.

    • gina says:

      Old McDonald is a great one, because you can put just about any animal on the farm. Though we also put every animal on the planet on the Wheels on the Bus as well.

    • gina says:

      Old McDonald is a great one, because you can put whatever animal you want on the farm. Though, we put just about every animal in the bus on Wheels on the Bus as well!

  8. Wow–Indigo Girls as backup! You sold me right there! Sounds cool–thanks for sharing!

  9. Rosey says:

    I like it! Silly songs make me happy…my son’s CD w/his name inserted throughout the songs makes me smile right now.

    • gina says:

      I think any song that your kids identify with is a winner. My favorite is when I catch my kids singing songs on their own out of the blue.

  10. KG says:

    Does it work on teenagers??

  11. Tammy1409 says:

    I love “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley. I sang it to my kids while I was pregnant and when they were infants. If they hear it now they say, “Mommy, your song is on!!!” It always makes me smile and reminds me not to sweat the small stuff.

    • gina says:

      That’s a great lullaby too. I used to sing that to my son too while I was pregnant, and when he was born, it was my go song for calming him down. And you’re right, the message is similar and good to remember. Everything WILL turn out alright!

  12. What a good little song:) I like that…making myself wag more;)

  13. Michorose says:

    Sounds like it would be a great CD for my kids! I had never heard of it before.

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