Robbie Schaefer and La La Love on Kid Tune Tuesday…

ktt2 Robbie Schaefer and La La Love on Kid Tune Tuesday...
I do have to admit something here…I have a radio crush on Robbie Schaefer from Kids Place Live.  It’s very similar to the one I have on Peter Sagal from NPR’s Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me.  Neither of them are my type physically, so don’t go getting any ideas.  But the crush is more of a deep respect, admiration, and appreciation for their nerdy humor, their wit, and my sense that both are really nice guys.

We love listening to Robbie Schaefer and his Bandwagon show.  It’s our favorite time of day on Kids Place Live.  So much so, that we’ve actually called in to Robbie’s show more than once, have Facebook requested several songs, and have even coerced Robbie to give a shout out to the kids on their birthdays.  And with every request, Robbie is patient, kind, generous, and sounds like he genuinely enjoys hearing from his listeners  Ladies, is there anything more attractive than a guy who is nice to kids?  C’mon, who’s with me here?

I fear I’ve gotten off topic.

Back the the music.  I’ve featured one of Robbie’s songs on Kid Tune Tuesday before (“Sally Can I Walk You Home“). Out of all of Robbie Schaefer’s songs,  La La Love is by far my favorite of his tunes.  A song, simple and pure, travels the world and works its way in to the minds and hearts of the planet.  Filled with love.  It’s a beautiful song and musically it has a catchy melody, with a great beat and percussion behind it.  I think Robbie’s voice sounds stronger on this than on any other song he’s recorded for children.

You can stream this lovely song in its entirety, along with the lyrics, HERE.  Below, a teaser….

This gorgeous video is from the current LaLaLove fundraising campaign.  The folks at One Voice, Epic Change and Kids Place Live are teaming up and need your help to raise money to provide 10 kids in Kenya with life-saving heart surgery.  As a parent, I cannot even fathom having a child that needs something that vital and costly.

In essence, lalalove is an art contest. With a fantastic bonus of helping children in need.  To enter the contest, you first need to create a heart.  Any way you want.  Paint, drawing, macrame, basket weaving, you name it.  Then you take a photo of your heart and submit it to the contest at  Once it’s in, you’ll get your own fundraising page where you can encourage your family, friends, teachers and anyone else you can think of to donate.

There’s not just one, but TWO winners!  One for the entry that raises the most money, and one that’s deemed the most creative.  And the best part?  Winners get a visit from Robbie Schaefer himself, along with fellow Kids Place Live host Absolutely Mindy, and a live performance by Robbie.  What’s not to like about that?

We’re busy making our heart, and when we get it up, we’ll let you know.  Why not make your own and join in the fun?