A stay at the Madhouse…

Ever since I can remember, I’ve loved to laugh.  Humor is one of the best things on the planet.  That quality is what attracted me to my funny husband, it’s what drives most of my friendships, and it’s what makes my kids tick.  The more outlandish, the better.   You know that moment when you’re laughing so hard your belly hurts and you’re a kegel away from peeing yourself?  Best. Moment. Ever.  I love those.

mom A stay at the Madhouse...

When I’m having a crappy day, when I feel like my kids might be driving the bus I’m taking to the insane asylum, there’s a blog I can retreat to where I know I’ll find something crazy to laugh about.  Sharon runs the fantastic blog Moms Madhouse and the tales are just what the title describes.  Just when you think her house can’t get any more chaotic, it does.  She’s the mother of six kids.  SIX.  Daredevils, princesses, sneaky kids, young men who seem hungry a lot.  Sharon writes with a dry wit that I adore, and while I don’t think you could pay me enough to spend a day in her shoes, what I wouldn’t give to hang out around her home for a day to be witness to the madness.  If you haven’t had the chance to read her blog yet, get ye over there right now!


  1. That is the coolest thing anyone has ever said about the Madhouse! Thank you!!!! You’re #1!!!

  2. What a beautiful compliment to a very deserving woman! I love the madhouse as well!!

  3. P.S. We have 6 kids…the oldest has been in the Navy for 2 years :)

  4. Aw, Sharon, it was well deserved. And SIX? I’ll change that now, but you’ve just exceeded my capacity for amazement…

    Rosann – ain’t she the greatest?

  5. You’re a sweetie pie :)

    And a granddaughter who just turned 2 years old :)

  6. I have to agree with you about humor being one of the best things on the planet. I mean there are days that I would just cry if I couldn’t find the humor in the situation. I am also a fan of Moms Madhouse.

  7. Marisa – I totally agree. Though some days it’s harder for me to find the humor in things, but I’d be lost without laughter. You’ve got to laugh to keep from crying sometimes, right?

  8. Sharon is one of the best. I’ve been reading her blog for quite awhile, and never get tired of her antics.

  9. Becky Jane – ain’t she a riot?

  10. I really love reading the Madhouse—make me glad I stopped at two—although for some reason we’ve become the play house of the neighborhood-so at any given time I could have about 8 running through the place!

    Very nice review and yep I’d love to be a fly on the wall for one day there =)


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