You might think it’s funny, but it snot….

That is NOT a typo…up there in that title.  I’m swimming in nasal fluid over here and I’m ready for whatever cold that has hit our house to move on out.  Mr. B came home from a sleepover on Saturday morning with a yucky nose, then gave it to Miss P on Sunday, and now I have it.  All of us process colds differently.  Mr. B just gets extremely stuffed up and has that yucky breath for a few days, but otherwise is a happy camper who sleeps like a rock.  I have inherited my family’s history of post-nasal drip, which forces me to sleep sitting completely upright in order not to choke on my own snot.  And Miss P?  Colds quickly move in to her chest (or maybe it’s post-nasal drip that’s causing it) and coughs.  A lot.  Especially at night.  I’ve plowed through a whole bottle of honey already.  I’m on Day 3 of horrible sleep and may very well drug the both of us up with Benadryl tonight. 

Does it make me a horrible parent that I have hit my threshold of patience and compassion after a couple of days?  I felt sympathetic for a while at the beginning, I really did.  But then, after a couple of days (and becoming sleep-deprived doesn’t help), I’m tired of being smeared with snot, wiping off spit after being coughed on, and listening to the gulping during meal times because no one can breathe out of their noses.  All while feeling pretty crummy myself.  Granted, it could be a lot worse.  No one is running a fever, all are in good spirits, and Miss P isn’t really even having a bad case of the 11′s (a term a friend used for the double strip of snot running out of a nose).  It’s a pretty mild, yet annoying cold.  We’ve been using the neti pot, which helps a little, but let’s face it, without an arsenal of drugs to help ease the symptoms, these poor kids have to tough it out.  At least it’s giving us plenty of reasons to eat lots of popsicles.

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