Call me a sucker. But my blogging buddy Keesha over at Mom’s New Stage hit me with one of those chain interview deals, and for her, I would post about my worst period if she asked me to. It was fun answering her questions, and man do I wish we could meet up live for a drink one day.
Here is how it works:
1) Post the rules.
2) Tag up to eleven bloggers by posting links to their blogs, and let them know.
3) Create eleven questions for the people you’ve tagged.
4) Answer the questions your tagger posed for you.
5) Have fun!
When prompted to tag a few bloggers who I thought might actually take me up on this, my mind went immediately to these fantastic writers. People who I respect as storytellers, who make me laugh in my most stressed out days, and who I would do a backflip for to have a virutal happy hour. If you get a chance, please check them out!
Diapers, Dogs and Cooking in Heels
Mom’s Madhouse
Caffeinated OC Mommy
Misadventures in Motherhood
Crazed in the Kitchen
Cool Bean Mommas
The Un Mom
1. How long does it take you to write a post?
This one is tricky to answer, because I rarely sit down and create a post from start to finish. Sometimes I start a post, get six words in to it, and then have to wipe someone’s butt. Then I might come back to it eight hours later, or three days later. This cycle can go on and on…
2. What does hubby think about your blogging?
I’m not sure if he reads this blog or not (Jon? Do you?). My assumption is that he doesn’t get it, but doesn’t mind either. I spend so much time on the internet anyway that the line between blogging and surfing become fuzzy.
3. Number of times per day you check your stats? I ask because I have a problem.
I actually don’t check my stats that often (GASP! I KNOW!). I know my bounce rate is horrendous, and I don’t need that kind of downer. Every now and then I peek up at that Alexa rating on my toolbar, or will check my Google Analytics page. Mostly because I want to see what bizarre string of keywords have led someone to my blog. My latest favorite is “apple crushing man.”
4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Wait. Would I have to have my kids with me? If the answer is “yes,” then I’d say somewhere in Europe. Maybe Brussels, as it’s central to a lot of other countries, but I have a fond spot in my heart for Florence. If the kids are in college by the time this hypothetical situation occurs, then I might say Tahiti…
5. Time you go to bed vs. when you should be in bed?
I actually have a decent bedtime – around 10:30-11. Although, if left to my own devices, I’d stay up until midnight or 1:00 am. But that “alarm clock” of a kindergartner goes off pretty early. I’m a complete mess if I don’t get my zzzzz’s.
6. Current fashion trend you’d pay to have bombed off the earth immediately?
I’m not a huge fan of the Ed Hardy look. Not sure why, but I guess it’s not a vomit-inducing trend. And the wearing of the pajamas in daytime thing. Really? You couldn’t muster putting on an outfit this morning? Would it have killed you to invest in a decent pair of sweats? The ever-present baggy pants that come down past the butt-crack should be abolished everywhere.
7. If someone put you in Target right now, what is the first thing you’d buy?
What WOULDN’T I buy at Target? I usually head straight for the boxed wine, but I don’t mind perusing the handbag section either. I never buy anything, but I do like to daydream.
8. What makes you laugh these days?
George Takei posts some hilarious stuff on his Facebook page that speaks to my inner-geek. And you can’t go wrong with “Funny or Die” videos. “Modern Family” is my go-to for television humor. And any time one of my kids says something so “adult” and in the correct context, I can’t help but crack up.
9. Toy you would very much like to see your child “lose”?
Being that we’re about to put our house on the market and have total strangers come in and peek in our closets, I have certainly “misplaced” those annoyingly cheap trinkets my kids bring home from parties or restaurants. My son has a marble race set under his bed, and there is a ladybug that goes off at random times of the day. That thing? I’d chuck that in the trash the first chance I’d get if it wouldn’t make so much noise heading out to the dumpster.
10. We all read about stars and think “Hey, she’s normal! We could hang!” You know you do! Name a female celeb you think would be a good pal.
Tina Fey, without a doubt. She’s my Hero. Brilliant, funny, has hips like mine. She’d be the one I’d call when I nearly avoided getting in to a fight with a stranger at a playground to talk me down off my ledge.
11. Can you talk about personal goal for 2012?
We’re on the verge of a very big life-changing event, so my goal for 2012 is to make it through this move with my sanity and family intact.
Now following, courtesy of Caffeinated OC Mommy. I look forward to reading your posts. Please check me out if you have a sec.
Hey there! Thanks for stopping by!
I agree totally with you on fashion. My college students come to class with their pj bottoms on all the time!
I’m not a big fan of argyle as one of the only options in the stores for boys dress up clothes. I don’t mind that it’s there, just give me some more options please! Argyle isn’t really for my boys.
Alissa – I hadn’t thought of the argyle before, but that’s so true! That and sweater vests.