Blue October on Kid Tune Tuesday Thursday…

ktt2 Blue October on Kid Tune Tuesday Thursday...

Okay, so I’ve let this slip a little lately, but it’s back!  This week’s song seems so fitting right now for me.  It comes from yet another adult band as well.  Why am I a sucker for the Big Kid songs that work well with the Little Ones?

Blue October hails from Texas (and let me just take a moment to tip my “I lived a nice portion of my life in Texas” cowboy hat to them) and I seriously doubt that, when they recorded this song, they had visions of it playing on children’s music stations years later.  But man, am I glad it is.  I get a little happier when I hear this song in the car.  It’s a helpful reminder that most things in life, the good and the bad, are temporary.

And now for the results:

MR B:  This one has a rockin’ edge to it, I’m sooo over baby music.     four%252520sippy%252520cup%252520white Blue October on Kid Tune Tuesday Thursday...
MISS P:  Is it time for me to scream YEEEAAAHH! yet?   three%252520sippy%252520cup%252520white Blue October on Kid Tune Tuesday Thursday...


  1. I do like that song. I’ve always thought the singer for Blue October kind of sounds like Peter Gabriel. I like him, so I like Blue October.

    I so think they should have 1 station on the radio for kids! They have sports, country, R&B, classic rock, classical, rap, oldies, but no little kid station. I think it would get listened to. It wouldn’t be little kid songs like “London Bridges.” It could be cool. I could see them playing a lot of the Beatles on it! What little kid wouldn’t like Yellow Submarine and Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds?

  2. Alissa – We’re soooo grateful for Kids Place Live on satelite radio. They play the exact same stuff you were wishing for! Plus some They Might Be Giants, some Smashmouth, etc. My son really likes the Beatles’ “Hello Goodbye”. I love that the station exposes kids to so much variety. And even the songs they play from “kid artist” aren’t the typical kid lullabies, which is nice. I agree, though, they should have something on regular radio like this.

  3. I am pretty sure you would be able to create your own station on Pandora, but as far as an actual radio station I know not of. Oh yeah my kids love They May Be Giants and so do I, I grew up on that stuff during the 90′s.

  4. We sing ‘UP, down, UP, down, UP, down…’ a LOT in our car :-) We have Kid’s Place Live as well ;-)

    Every time it comes on, Lily Ruth yells ‘It’s Daddy’s faf-wit!’ She has declared it to be true – even though he’s only heard it 2 or 3 times.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Justin (Blue’s Singer) often credits Peter Gabriel as one of his main influences. Its cool someone picked up on it. “Jumprope” was actually written for Justin’s daughter Blue. It is on there awesome CD Approaching Normal. ~ Troy Wilkey

  6. The Print Blog – yeah, Pandora is an option I keep forgetting about when it comes to kids music. I haven’t tried that yet, but perhaps that’s on the agenda for today! I’ve also found that stuff from the B52′s works well – my son gets a kick out of Rock Lobster.

    Troy – Nice! I can totally see the influence. Whenever I find an artist that I don’t know much about, I try to listen to past stuff, and you’re right, the Approaching Normal album is a good one! And now that I know this song was written for his daugther, I’m even more smitten with it…

  7. It’s a very catchy tune actually. It would be great to let my 4 year old hear it since he’s into singing now.

  8. R – ack, I missed ya there! I can totally see LR jumping up and down singing her little heart out to this. P thinks that “Hey Josie” is B’s favorite, of which it is defiantly NOT, and it drives B crazy. It’s funny how those little ones can identify people with tunes.

    Anne – my 5 year old loves this, I think that he really likes that it’s not too small-kid-ish.

  9. We LOVE ‘Hey Josie’! I wish I was in your car :-(


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