Holiday hiatus…

I’m gonna be pretty busy in the next week or so, what with the holiday and my new jobby job and all, so I’m going to call it.  Right now.  I probably won’t post for a while.  Please ignore the dust bunnies.  My apologies.  I will still surf around the World Wide Web, but I might not poke my head in here for a while to commit to a post.  But I WILL be back. 

With that said, I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday week, whatever you may be celebrating.  My gift to you?  This video that has been floating around Facebook.  It might just be my new favorite thing to watch, my new favorite song, and my new favorite obsession.  This video makes me want to stretch more.  Or do some pushups.  Enjoy!  See you on the flippy flop!


  1. Wowza!! He’s amazing! Well, we will miss you but completely understand the break. Concentrate on your new job and take your time. We’ll be here when you get back!

  2. I could watch this all day long and have subjected several family members to this over the holiday weekend. I’m slowly coming back!


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