Buyer’s remorse…

 Buyers remorse...

While cleaning out the kids’ closets the other day, I found the LEGO City photo of the gigantic police station that Mr. B carried around for months, staring at it so intensely that as if by mere will he could force that picture to come to life. Timing wise, it was perfect, as Santa had just plunked a large chuck of cash down for this 700+ piece of LEGOs a few days before.  When Mr. B came home from school, I showed him what I had found, and our disappointing discussion went something like this:

ME:  B, look, I found your photo of the LEGO city!
B:  Oh…
ME:  That’s pretty cool, right?
B:  I don’t really like that anymore. (insert panicked silence from Mommy)
ME: (Fuck.  Fucking fuck.) Why not?
B:  I dunno, I just don’t want it anymore.
ME:  Not even if Santa gave it to you?
B:  Meh…I like Star Wars LEGOs more now.

Well….shit.  Now what do I do?  I’m thinking Santa will just bite the bullet and give it to Mr. B anyway, despite B having asked Santa for something entirely different a few days ago.  But that conversation totally stomped my buzz.  I was sooooo excited about this gift, and now it may bust.   

Have you ever experienced anything like this?  What did you do?


  1. says:

    Oh no!! I’ve been in this position before but I don’t remember what the toy in question was or what I did. My gut says take it back and get Star Wars. That sucks though! You were so excited to get him his (then) heart’s desire.

  2. says:

    I am so stressed about Christmas now that I have one child who can ask for (and therefore expects) certain things (and another who will be there soon). It’s tough isn’t it? I have to agree with the above comment. But if he changes his mind again, then it’s a lesson in appreciating gifts just because. . .

    Good luck! I know you’ll do the right thing!

  3. says:

    Michael Ann – Yeah, well, I just talked to the in-laws, who have gotten him some Star Wars LEGOs, so I’m going to stick with this contraption. IMO? This thing has more playability. B can play on all sides of it, plan escapes, etc., and all he can do with the SW stuff is fly it around. Wish Santa luck!

    Keesha – man, you and me both! So far, all P asks for is a princess. Not sure if that’s a toy, or a title. But whatever, I’ll take it! I’ve decided to keep the gift and see how it goes. Does Santa issue gift receipts?

  4. says:

    OMG! LOL….we went thru that last year, and I’m sorry, but I am soooo laughing at you’re silent “Fuck fuck fuck!” I actually spit out my tea while reading it. Totally unexpected, which made it even funnier!


  5. says:

    Sharon – glad I could make you do a spit take!


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