My timing stinks…

Jon and I sneaked out for a spontaneous date night after a parent/teacher conference last week.  It was an indulgent, Monday night outing, but since our babysitter was already there at the house, we’d thought we get use out of her, rather than paying for only an hour and being done.  We dropped Mr. B back at home after the conference, got dinner started for the babysitter, then skedaddled out of there. 

Being that it was a spur of the moment thing, we didn’t have all of our details figured out, like where we’d eat.  The movie started at 7, so we drove over to the artsy theater to get our tickets, parked the car, then set out on foot to find some grub.  It felt very much like our New York City days.  Except, it was Denver.  In 30 degree weather, of which neither one of us was dressed warmly enough to endure (being that we’re solid car travelers now).  And, did I say this was DENVER?  It’s not like there’s a restaurant every 10 feet.  We walked several blocks and came across our go-to place for BBQ, not ideally what we were looking for, but it was warm and we were hungry. 

After dinner, we headed back to The Esquire to see our movie, and got there so early that there was no one else in the theatre.  Followed quickly by elderly people who wanted to ensure they got decent seats.  Ah, yes.  Is this what we’re becoming?  Early Bird Specials?  Perhaps.  But at least we have gadgets!  We spent about half an hour sitting in our seats playing Blokus on my iPhone before the commercials even started. 

 My timing stinks...

Finally, our flick begins.  We went to see The Descendants, the George Clooney movie.  (As a side note, the movie?  I would settle with “Good”, though not as funny as we were expecting.  Clooney pulls off oafish with Hawaiian shirts tucked in to his high-waisted pants pretty well, but let’s face it…he’s still very easy on the eyes.)  Being that I was getting fitted for The Unitard the next day, I prided myself on not eating the whole bag of popcorn and even going so far as to eat slowly.  About 3/4 of the way through the movie, I worked a kernel out of the far back depths of my teeth.  Then, it makes it way down my throat and I started choking and having a righteous coughing fit.   Right during the most dramatic point of the movie.  Which also happened to be the quietest part of the whole movie.  Perhaps folks thought I was being really moved by what was happening, but I highly doubt it.  After the coughing ceased and the redness in my cheeks subsided, Jon and I couldn’t stop giggling about my misfortune.  I’m glad to see that after all of these years together, we can still find something to bond over.


  1. First, I’m impressed that you posted the word “skedaddled.” I gotta remember that.

    Second…I am laughing so hard at your Early Bird Special. My husband and I ran outta the house one night and had the same issue. First ones in the theater….blech.

    Glad you didn’t choke!


  2. Hi Sharon! Skedaddled is an Awesome word. And the fact that you laughed at something I wrote? I’m patting myself on the back for that one as I bow down to you, Oh Queen of Humor! Thanks for the visit!

  3. What a nice evening! Isn’t it always that way, that you are choking at the most inappropriate moments…I am! I was just wondering what color your unitard is? I once had to wear a white one…totally sucked;) I should have just gone naked.

  4. Courtney – The Unitard is actually close to a nude color – almost worse in my opinion! Thank goodness for spanx…it’s the only way I can make it through this show with my sanity intact.

  5. I love that we both chose date night for a post this week!
    Wonder twin powers activate again!

    And what a comedy of errors date night. Glad the only casualty was some older people wondering at how moved by the movie you were!

  6. Keesha – I KNOW! And what’s even more amazing is that we both had actual dates. So much for feeling fancy and dignified as I’m gagging….

  7. I ♥ bonding moments…the funnier the better. I turn so red when I get embarrassed, which makes me turn even more red! My husband and I sound like the ‘elderly couple’ that came in early to get a good seat…lol

    Merry Christmas!

  8. Becky Jane – those quirky moments to make you feel closer to your partner, that’s for sure. Adding to our EBS status? A 10:00 bedtime.


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