Tinkle, tinkle, little star…

Potty Training Regression 2 300x204 Tinkle, tinkle, little star...

When I last posted about potty training, I thought we were in for a long journey towards underpants.   What I hadn’t expected was that the whole thing happened quickly and suddenly.  Miss P has been wearing underpants solidly now for a week, and even at nap and night time without pull ups for about 3 days.  She’s only had one accident in the past week, and that was at daycare on Tuesday.  Thursday?  She rocked it.  Even inspired other kids to start going on the potty for the first time.  And she’s taking the initiative to go to the bathroom on her own, unprompted from us.  So, I’m calling it.  We are Officially Potty Trained.  Whohoo! 

As a bribe To celebrate this momentous occasion (and the fact that it happened without too much stress) the Diaper Fairy is coming tonight.  We will be leaving our leftover diapers, wipes and the changing pad by the front door, and the fairy will be bestowing a lavish present in return.  I cannot begin to tell you how exciting this is!  After FIVE diaper-filled years, I will be able to travel without them.  Sure, I’ll have to have some extra underpants and bottoms on hand, it beats the bulky stuff.  And I am so very, very proud of my little girl.  And can that little body hold some urine!  She can go for HOURS without needing to go.  Amazing. 


  1. says:

    Yay for Miss P!!!!

  2. says:

    My 3 year old is day trained, but at night, well that’s a different story. I have noticed that he is wet way more when he’s going through a growth spurt. I have no clue if there is a correlation between growth spurts and going potty or not. They do eat more during this time.

  3. says:

    Interesting Alissa…
    Gina, I am jealous!!!
    I thought we were pretty much day trained too, except for naps, but Riley had accidents both today and yesterday. Today when he said he had to go, and I trusted him to make it to the toilet on his own and the set up of the stool and closing the door (really?! I wanted to shake him – as if the child shows any sense of urgency at any point in time unless it’s to get something he shouldn’t have) and yesterday when he fell asleep in the car.

    I know this is a process, but DAMN!

    And poop is an entirely different story. I know they say your child won’t be voting in diapers, but I’m beginning to wonder.

    And yes, you do smell a poop post coming. sigh.

  4. says:

    Many thanks, R…she’s pretty proud of herself!

    Alissa – Huh, I hadn’t thought about that growth spurt thing! We’ve cub back on the amount of liquid she drinks before bedtime, but so far she’s been going all night without an accident (crossing my fingers). It’s happened WAY faster than my son. I’m grateful, though…

    Keesha – it’s so freakin’ frustrating, right? For P, I think it’s a comfortability issue. She wasn’t comfortable going too much at school on Tuesday, but by Thursday she was fine. And she wasn’t too comfortable with our babysitter yesterday and ended up having an accident during nap. But she’s doing great. it DOES seem like it’s a process that just might take an eternity. Hang in there.

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