
A week ago, we were at a standstill with my daughter’s trials at potty training.  I mean, DEAD standstill.  The kind where she would pitch a royal fit and cry hysterically when placed on the toilet.  I don’t know what’s happened, but all of a sudden, she’s been going on the potty a ton!  The last few nights, she’s gone from nap time to bedtime wearing just fancy underpants and very minimal accidents.  And today?  Today she hit the jackpot, going #2 not only once, but TWICE.  I hesitate to make any lasting assumptions about her progress, but I’m feeling hopefully optimistic. 

So, what’s my gripe about?  Is there really anything to complain about?  Goodness, no.  However, I have to admit something here.  We tried the sticker incentive program for months with no avail.  What HAS worked, however, was the specially purchased pink and purple M&M’s.  She’s been getting one for peeing and two for pooping.  Add that up, and that’s a ton of chocolate during the day.  Not to mention how squeamish I feel giving her chocolate at 7:30 in the morning.  I’ve made the switch to gummy bears for peeing, but I still feeling like I’m some kind of horrible drug pusher, handing over sugar every time my toddler makes a deposit.  I’m hoping that one day she’ll just forget to ask for her “reward” and that stickers will continue to be enough.  But what if she never lets it drop?  I have no idea how long of a process we’ve got ahead of us, and c’mon, this could go on for months! 

Have you gone through something similar?  And what did you end up doing? 


  1. says:

    Hi Lady-
    We have just gotten to the point where I can pretty comfortably say Potty Pee-pee trained – check. No more rewards, just a fact of life (during the day). Still in diapers for nights and naps.

    Poop however is totally another story. We have tried everything! Bribes, DVD watching. He’s just not ready. All the books say just be patient and loving about it, but I am so over it. Good luck.

    What’s that I smell? It’s a Mom’s New Stage poop training blog post coming :)

    Hope you’re well!


  2. says:

    I can now count in hours how much time I’ve spent sitting on the side of the tub whilst LR sits on the potty – and she has yet to make any deposits. Not even a drop. She just likes to sit there shredding her three allotted squares of toilet paper and telling me stories.

    She can wear diapers to kindergarten for all I care. I just don’t want to sit in the bathroom any more!

  3. says:

    I remember with my children, when they first learned to potty on their own we took them out for some ice cream. We couldn’t take them out for ice cream everytime, because that can get expensive and expansive(for my hips). So after each successful potty we just did a victory dance and celebrated with loud audible shouts and applause…it eventually dies down, so don’t worry you won’t have to be an M&M poppin momma for too long…

  4. says:

    Hi Keesha! My son had gotten it in to his head that when he turned 3, he would start going on the potty. So, the morning of his 3rd birthday, we slapped underpants on him and went about our day. He was potty trained within 3 days, night and nap time trained within two weeks. With P, it will be a more laborious project, for sure. Now, it appears I’ve spoken too soon, as she hasn’t gone on the potty at all today. Curses!

    R – Ugh. The bathroom choke hold. There’s nothing more boring that sitting in the bathroom waiting for someone to drop any kind of load. Miss P doesn’t even like for me to bring a magazine in. It’s like watching time stand still…or paint dry…

    Rachel J – Ice cream! That was jon’s first attempt with Mr. B as a bribe for pooping on the pot. then it amounted to 2-3 servings a day…and Mr. B lost his interest. I can’t blame him. Doesn’t ice cream stop you up anyways? I DO like the victory dance idea. We applaud and cheer, but I hadn’t thought of adding some moves in there.

  5. says:

    It’s been awhile since I potty trained my kids, but I remember that when I got worked up about it, it fell apart. I finally just relaxed and realized that most teenagers are potty trained, and it would happen eventually. It did.

  6. says:

    My kids are 17 and 23 and I can still remember handing them M&M’s for potty training. You are so right though, candy at odd hours is not a good thing. I also tried stickers. And what worked for my daughter was tv perks. If she went she could watch Barney or The Big Comfy Couch. She didn’t watch much tv so getting to watch Barney was huge. Obviously this does not work when not at home though. Lol! Good luck, hang in there.

  7. says:

    Mamawolfe – I am trying to do what you mentioned, going with the flow (pun intended!) and letting her come to it in her own time.

    Kim – Oooohhh, I like the TV perks. Maybe I can find something similar. Thanks for the advice!

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