Stay clear…

I haven’t been in here in a while, and I wish I had a great excuse.  Honestly?  I don’t have much to say.  Or, rather, I have a LOT going on but can’t really process it enough to write about it just yet.  I’m a gigantic ball of stress that could explode with the landing of a gnat on my surface.  Nothing horrible or anything, actually the end possibilities are quite exciting if I can get my brain to that part of it.  But decisions need to be made, and anyone that knows me knows I’m horrible at those.  And other than that, I’m so moody and grumpy that I can’t produce a post worth reading.  What’s that thing our mothers said?  If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything?  I’m sure this will pass, as most things do.  In the interim, I will try to think of something that’s not downright salty to post about and be back in a day or so.  In my best Linda Richman:  Talk amongst yourselves…I’ll give you a topic.  The Civil War was neither civil, nor war.  Discuss…


  1. SER. I. OUS. LY! We are the SAME person. I have spent this entire week thinking the same thing. I’ve even started 2 or 3 posts, but haven’t finished them because my writing bored me – bad sign… I adore you, G. I’ll keep chuggin’ along if you will.

  2. Oh R, how relieved to hear I’ve got company in my boat! Let’s keep rowing, shall we? Even if it’s over the edge of a waterfall…Thelma and Louise style…

  3. This is going on in my world too! I am on the brink of embarking on some life decisions and I am praying God for guidance. It is stressful and whatever happens will impact my family. Let’s move on with strength! We can do this!

  4. Without the happenings of life, there would be no point to blogging. Like you said “a lot going on” so I’m sure…soon…you’ll have a lot to blog about. Until then, keep your mind at ease and spirit at rest =)

  5. ME TOO!! OMG, what is up with all of us? I just got back from walking the dog and the whole time I was thinking in my head, “Why do I even bother writing? I have too much going on and nothing to say about it because it’s just too much…” Then I came here and read this. I heard Mercury was aligned in some way that a bunch of stuff was going to feel WRONG in Sept. For everyone. Maybe that is it? I don’t know…. Maybe we all need to learn to meditate?

  6. Okay, I could have SWORN I came in here the other day and replied, but I don’t see it…

    Miriam – Yes, let’s bring it, shall we? I know there’s really no wrong decision in this matter, but I’m not good at handling the whole process…

    Rachel – ah, once again you have spoken true words of wisdom. You shall now be my Jedi Master. I worry about the verbal missive coming your way…it’s in draft form now!

    Michael Ann – I know! And this probably is a GREAT time to keep on writing, right? Aw man, now I gotta go read up on Mercury.


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