We’re baaaaaaccck!

I have many reasons for my absence, the main one being that we just returned from a big vacation to MEXICO!  And while I have lots of things I want to recap from that trip, I also have two kids home with me, one that doesn’t nap, and school to prep for.  It might take me a while to get back in here and tell all, but I will try to do so this week.  Overall, it was a great trip.  A few bumps along the way, but we had a good time.  Tell tale sign that we did?  We’re feeling a little lost without that daily pool time and fruity drink.  And since we’ve been back, we’ve all been sleeping like rocks.  The kids have been waking up at the beautiful hour of 8am.  Doesn’t bode well when we have to be somewhere by 8:45 in a week, but I’ll take this extra sleep while I can get it.

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