ScribbleMonster on Kid Tune Tuesday…

ktt2 ScribbleMonster on Kid Tune Tuesday...

Anyone remember the game LIFE?
 ScribbleMonster on Kid Tune Tuesday...Remember, you graduated, got a job, gained a spouse, had some plastic kids, and drove around in a rectangle?  This was by far my favorite game growing up.  I don’t know if it was the fake money, or the idea of a fantasy grown-up life that I hadn’t achieved yet, but I would play it at the drop of the hat.

Well, ScribbleMonster has created an adorable little song about this very game called .  Except that at first you don’t know if they’re singing about the game, or actual life.   I feel fairly certain this was used in a commercial somewhere, but I couldn’t find it. 

And now for the results: 
MR B:  Mommy, I love you and I love life!   five%252520sippy%252520cup%252520white ScribbleMonster on Kid Tune Tuesday...

MISS PDo da do da diddy da do…  four%252520sippy%252520cup%252520white ScribbleMonster on Kid Tune Tuesday...  


  1. Very cute! We played Life a lot as kids! Stopping by today from VB! I would love for you to stop by and link up for my first Wild Wednesday Blog Hop!

  2. I used to love that game! I always wanted to get twins after going over the bridge! What a cute song!

    Visiting and following from voiceBoks!

    Jessica K

  3. I loved that game too. But I agree with Mom4Real that I always worried about getting those twins over the bridge. Now that I have a daughter of my own–I have lots of respect for parents of multiples!

    Shanan (new follower)

  4. About a Mom – I’ll try to link up, but am also slammed with errands…but thanks for the invite!

    Jessica – You WANTED twins? This was before you actually HAD kids, right?

    Shanan – I do too. Somehow all that adult stuff was fun as a kid, but paying bills stinks as a grown-up. Perhaps we can all start using fake money?

  5. I love that game too! I had forgotten all about it actually. They still sell it, right?

  6. Courtney – They actually still sell it! Unfortunately, it’s for kids older than mine…


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