Dancing queen…

I had a week off recently from rehearsals, and seeing how wrecked my body feels lately, it was probably needed.  The extra five pounds I gained in the process?  Not so much needed, but tomorrow is another day to get working on it, right?  
I’m not going to lie, my body is feeling the effects of aging lately.  I’m pumping myself full of ibuprofen in the hopes it will help, but what I probably need is some youth serum.   After returning from the week off, my dancing felt rough – like it was hard to get moving.  However, K had some nice comments too, so go figure.  I do think that I spent last week dancing a little less needy, a little less desperate perhaps, and with a bit more, uh, maturity?  I don’t know.  
I haven’t really jumped back on the “slimming down” aspect of things, which I really need to do.   And I’ve been trying to rehab some nagging injuries in the hopes I won’t feel like Igor when I get up from the couch.  But what I also focused on this week was trying to remember what it is I like about dancing.  What is it that makes me want to commit most of my life to this art form?  It’s been an interesting experiment.  I don’t have any answers yet, but I’m enjoying the discovery.
I also managed to scrounge up some recent dance photos.  While not entirely happy with some of them, I like how they motivate me to get back in shape.  
 Dancing queen... Dancing queen... Dancing queen... Dancing queen... Dancing queen...
 Dancing queen... Dancing queen...

Homing Gina Dancing queen...Gina Homing trio Dancing queen... 


  1. Wow, are you kidding me?!? You look absolutely awesome. You did say these are “recent” right? Assuming they are…I see nothing but toned arms, strong legs, and a kick a** form that mirrors both your beauty and grace…I’m jealous =P

  2. So beautiful!

  3. I’m a dancer at heart, even though I haven’t danced since I was a child. I’ve always loved it. I used to compete in drill team competitions and even as an individual. To this day, I’m kicking myself for not taking my love of dance into my adult life. Such good exercise too. But I’m a runner now, so that’s how I keep my body strong and filled with what I hope will somehow work out to be youth serum! :)

    Many blessings,

    *stopping by from voiceboks to say hi!

  4. Beautiful photos!!

    Stopping by from Voiceboks – beautiful blog!


  5. I agree with everything Rachel said!!! Including the jealousy =)

    Visit me at Spilled Milkshake

    Visiting from voiceBoks!

    ♥ xoxo

  6. I know nothing about dance, but the photos are beautiful! Lovely.

  7. Rachel – you sure do know how to make a girl feel great! These are from April, and I’ve gotten a lot softer since then, but I’m comin’ back, baby.

    Hotairballoon – aw, shucks, Thanks!

    Rosann – Well, ya know, there are adult dance classes you can take! I’ve never taken one, but I’ve heard people rave about the pure barre classes as well. See, me? I wish I could run. Just can’t do it.

    Jamie – many thanks!

    Christina – thanks for the comment…you’re the sweetest!

    Sadie – Why, thank you!

  8. The pictures are beautiful- ballet is so graceful. I guess that’s one of the reasons I like it- I’m around very UNgraceful boys all day long, lol. And, I’m right there with ya- I feel like Igor when I get up from the couch, too.
    Thank you for the kind words to my post- your hypothesis made ME smile. Maybe that IS what causes thunder. I’ll think of that the next time we have a storm- and of you. Thank you.

  9. Hi, I LOVE dance – I just turned 50 and I dance with a bunch of mom’s at a local studio. We um don’t look anything like you do… we are kinda chubby but we all love the art form. Keep up the great work and dance like no one is watching.


    Visiting from VoiceBoks

  10. Great pictures!!! I think it’s important for us moms to have some time for our interests.
    Visiting from VoiceBoks!

  11. You are looking lovely, coming from an old ballerina, who can’t make my body do it anymore(way too much tendonitis). Don’t be so hard on yourself, which I know is easy to do;)
    Cheers from vB,

  12. Amazing form! Dancing is one of my not so secret obsessions :)

    Janie via vB

  13. Sorta – Kids in general aren’t the most graceful, are they? Miss P stomps around like ET most of the time! Glad I could make you smile…And judging from the freaky storms we’ve had here lately, he’s having a fantastic romp!

    Dayna – Hey, whatever works for you guys, right? I’m happy to hear that you’re moving and making time for yourself!

    Lisa – thanks!

    Courtney – Coming from you, I’m taking your comment as the highest compliment! Still, age doesn’t make you feel a whole lot better. My body is wrecked!

    Janie – Thank you!

  14. What an exciting career you have! Beautiful photos! Thanks for the friend request on Voiceboks! New follower of your blog! Please stop by http://aboutamom.com to say hi and return the follow!

  15. ooh la la!! I teach dance myself and was pleasantly surprised to find your beautiful pics during my +1 hopping and following! Great blog and can’t wait to see more!!


  16. I must be having a problem when I comment because this is the second VB blog that I commented on when it first posted yet I do not see my comment! I am so sorry!!! I loved, loved, loved, your pictures! I must confess I’m a bit jealous of your talent, the ability to move to music in such a beautiful and traied way is a talent that I do not, in any way, possess. Thank you for sharing it. Again, I’m so sorry you are getting this late!!!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. About a mom – Thank you for stopping by! Will surely stop in to your site…

    Jackie – Oh yay, a fellow dancer! Welcome!

    Kathy – Darn, sorry about the comment problem. Glad you were able to post, though. Thanks for the sweet comments. I only wish I felt as fluid as you all have made me feel.

  19. Great pics Gina! So great that you have recent photos of you in action and looking great. I’m jealous! I know, as dancers we are our own worst critics. But I’m pretty critical myself and you look terrific!


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