
In kid news, Halloween can’t get here fast enough.  Mr. B helped me decorate the house this past week, and he loves how spooky it looks.  Miss P just wants to play with the plastic gourds on our porch, but I’m sure she’ll figure out how to beg for candy pretty quickly.  She hasn’t really had any yet, so I don’t know whether I should gently introduce sugar treats so it’s not such a shock to her little body, or just wait until the big day when she’ll get an overload of sweets and go nuts.

In an effort to try and clean up our diet a little, I made my very first batch of whole wheat bread a couple of weeks ago.  It was a fun project, although pretty time consuming with all the rising and such.  I got to drag out the KitchenAid mixer Mother’s Day present though and really test its awesome power.  The bread turned out okay – it was a little dense, but it tasted good.  I guess if it were to turn out perfect the first try, there would be no fun in trying again, right?

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