Make room for moi…

I’m not sure I really need to start another blog.  And who knows if I’ll even publish this thing.  The internet really doesn’t need another virtual journal.  But I seem to need another space that I can flush out things.  Totally self-indulgent, I know.  But you know what?  There’s not one space in my entire house that’s mine.  The kids have their rooms AND a playroom.  We all use the living room, dining room and kitchen, my husband has his office, and we share our bedroom.  I’ve been keeping up a family blog for the past 5+ years, and it’s full of photos of the cuties, recounts of our adventures, and anecdotes about our lives.  But it feels more like those newsletters you get at holiday season.  Very few that read it probably want to hear anything more than “our kids did the funniest thing” and the like, never mind what kind of stuff I’m going through.  Damnit if I can’t carve out some little spot just for me.  Perhaps I’m embarking on a project I can’t finish.  Perhaps in the end I will have nothing to say.  Or perhaps I’m just full of it…

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