The Verve Pipe is a band that had some one-hit wonder tunes back in the late 90′s. Anyone remember The Freshman? And then what? I can’t seem to remember anything else.
Well, they’ve come out with The Family Album. I LOVE IT when musicians that make adult music come out with a children’s album. Perhaps they’ve had some tater tots of their own, and have gone all soft. Or maybe they are desperate for album sales. Whatever. The result is usually a great group of kids tunes that adults can happily swallow. And this tune is no exception.
We Had To Go Home is a song about a kid that goes to a birthday party, gets in trouble, and has to have his mom come and get him. What I like about this song is that it resonates with me as an adult. Perhaps reminds me of parties I attended in college. Except that instead of passing out on some stranger’s nasty couch, this party ends with a kid flushing a towel down the toilet. It has those looping horns that always remind me of stumbling around drunk, but in this case seem to indicate mischief. And these kids? They pull some pretty good gags.
MR B: He flushed a towel down the toilet!! Hahahahaha!
MISS P: Meh…what’s coming on next?