A spoonful of sugar…

Please excuse my absence – I haven’t been paying attention to this blog enough lately.  What’s that thing that my mother used to say?  “If you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say anything”? 


I could have easily flooded this site with countless downer posts, as that’s how I’ve been feeling.  But I’m also doing a lot of work on myself lately, trying to dissolve some of these negative feelings and thoughts, and coming in here to purge them all only seems like perpetuation.  And I AM doing better.  Considering that Tuesday I was a phone call away from begging my doctor to up my Zoloft prescription, I’ve backed away from that decision and am about 75% back to normal. 

Which is a good thing, considering Mr. B turns FIVE tomorrow!  We’ve planned a big ole party for him at the local spastic fodder bouncy house/indoor playground place, invited all of his classmates and friends, and are prepared for an afternoon of sugar highs and lows, provided The Rapture doesn’t get to us first.  I spent most of last night stuffing goodie bags and finishing up our CD favors (which include several of the songs you’ve seen on Kid Tune Tuesday!), and today’s mission (after I get off my lazy ass, close the computer, and clean the house) is to make two gigantic cookie cakes.  Wish me luck. 

And!  Lucky Me!  We’re headed to see U2 tonight!  Their first stop of the US 360 tour, post-Bono back surgery.  While I’m super excited, I’m not looking forward to sitting in the nosebleed section of the football stadium in 40 degree weather.  Let’s face it, I’m a Southern Gal.  I do not tolerate being cold very well, and quickly turn in to a whiny toddler.  While everyone there will be all dolled up and fancy or hip, I’ll be the one covered from head to toe in fleece, donning a scarf, hat and gloves, and trying to enjoy the music through my ear muffs.  Whatever.  It’s a night away from the kids!  The last time I saw U2, I had a vague premonition that I might be pregnant with Mr. B, but drank a large beer anyway.  I did think, though “how fun would it be to have our little guy/gal in here listening to one of the greatest bands of all time?” The next day, I took a pregnancy test. 

There will be no repeat, folks.  But I’m sure the show will be just as memorable.