(Another) Key Wilde and Mr Clarke on Kid Tune Tuesday…

As promised, this week’s song is another one by Key Wilde and Mr Clarke, but more up my son’s alley.  The Rattling Can is one of those songs where the lyrics build on top of each other, in the style of the old lady that swallowed a fly.  Except it has bubbles and science instead of insects and livestock.  It’s a toe-tapping good time. The song seems to barrel along with slightly increasing speed and wonderful energy, and towards the end it’s amazing that the singer can get everything in, never mind having the ability to sing a long string of complicated words without needing to stop for a breath.  At one point in time, Mr B could recite this entire song.  Verbatim.  Without missing a beat. It took a few repeated hearings to realize that he’s saying Quark, not Quack.  Very huge difference.  One of the things I love about this song is that it’s geared towards children, but it’s not watered down.  Go ahead.  Make up a song that has lyrics about protons and neutrons and atoms.  Pure awesomeness.  Because then it leads to amazing discussions in the car about science and such.  And while I may fumble around with my answers, I love any song that invites my child to ask questions. 

(FYI, while poking around on the interweb for information about this song, I discovered that it’s Mr Clarke who sports the accent.  Man, was I off on that one!)

While I couldn’t find a video of this online (which, really, is a shame.  Can you imagine how fun a video of this might be?), if you click on this fancy little Play button, it will open up a MySpace player where you can hear the tune.  Rock on…

And now for the results:

MR B:  Yes!  And when I sing it, I sound like a Brit!
MISS P:  It’s okay, but I like Mary the Fairy better…

Technorati tags: childrens music, kid tune tuesday, key wilde and mr clarke, the rattling can