Tangled on Kid Tune Tuesday…

ktt2 Tangled on Kid Tune Tuesday...

Normally I try to shy away from too much commercial music.  But the kids?  They LOVE it.  And lately, they’ve really been in to the music from the movie Tangled.  I have to admit, some of the tunes are pretty catchy.  While I still resist the idea of teaching my daughter the fairytale of a princess needing a guy to come and rescue her, the movie is cute and I’m glad that Disney has placed the good ole musical back into its repertoire.

There are several songs that Mr. B and Miss P like from this movie, but the one that keeps getting requested over and over again is “I’ve Got a Dream”.  It’s the one that happens with the thugs in the Snuggly Duckling scene.  Who doesn’t love the image of Brad Garret’s meanie turning in to a soft artiste?  Extra toes!  Puppet shows!  Very fun…

And the results:
MR B:  Dude, did he just say he has extra toes?! five+sippy+cup Tangled on Kid Tune Tuesday...  
MISS P:  Tangled, Mommy!  ‘I…DREAM!…I DREAM!’  five+sippy+cup Tangled on Kid Tune Tuesday...