2012 favorites…

Only two more days left in 2012.  I feel like an old fogey when I hear myself utter phrases like “Where did the year go?”

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And where the heck DID this year go?  2012 was a very full year for me, for our family.  Our kids got bigger and bolder. We moved across country and explored new terrain.  I kissed my dance career goodbye.  My thighs have achieved maximum density.

As I look to 2013, I am slowly contemplating some resolutions. Or lifestyle changes.  I haven’t solidified them yet, but the gist at the moment is less junk, more spunk.

In the spirit of reflection, I took a look back at my favorite blog posts from the past year.  Here’s a list of some of the posts I enjoyed writing the most.  The ones that stuck with me.  Perhaps they will with you too!

Top Posts From 2012…

Don’t mess with Mama bear…:  An article made me reevaluate gender roles as parents and made me realize I want my kids to see I’m just as strong and capable as Daddy.

Time out…:  Our first night away from the kids in almost two years didn’t go as well as I’d hoped.

Clean up, clean up, everybody clean up…:  An attempt to de-clutter our cramped home to put on the market.  With small children around.

Bunny hills…:  My ankles and hips still cringe at the though of my first ski experience.  May I never see a ski slope again.

Letting go…:  I don’t want my kids to grow up yet. That includes forcing them to use baby products so I can get off on the smell of Dreft.

Ode to humidity…:  My first foray into Shakespearean ranting.

Adventures in babysitters…:  Do NOT hire this chick to watch your kids.

Pounding the pavement…:  One foot in front of the other.  Moving forward.

Getting a leg up…:  Attempting to navigate my dancing hiatus, one pound at a time.

Quick get away…:  Have you had episodes of G.A.G?

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And to close, I say this:

Move over, 2012.  There’s something more 2013′ier.

What’s been your favorite post on Full of it this year?  What’s been the post you’ve liked writing on your own blog?  Feel free to post your link in the comments. 



Ode to Humidity…

Oh Humidity, of all of Mother Nature’s offspring, thou art the cruelest knave.
Methinks time passed in the land of highest elevations hast buried memories of thine evil way.

And so I am come upon Dublin’s green pastures, wherein whose muggy conditions I now abide.
What hast thee wrought?
I hast been greeted by thine sticky fortress and am perplexed inside.
Thou hast made mine coif curl with the angry plumage of Medusa, kinky and taut.

Woe, that my skin hath appear putrid.
Erupting with pimples that doth make me looketh as if I be plagued by the pox of chickens.
Would we be in Denver, mine hair wouldst behave like a tamed wench, mine acne abaited.
Fie on thee!  I be not amused by thine effect on my appearance.

The shrewd advertisements beckon, get the to a dermatologist!   
Proactive be the apothecary’s potion.
I prithee, be gentle with mine visage.
T’is enough to gaze upon my face in a mirror, shall I beget fright upon my offspring in addition? 

Nay, I shall not glisten in the warm sun of the summer’s day.
Instead, horrid buckets of perspiration drain from mine tendrils as if thou hast granted me a shower.  Deodorant sayest thou is strong enough for the male figure, t’will be tested in surplus.
The fruit of my loins know nothing of this sticky environ, born of altitude and drier days, in your stew they cower.

Thou makest the mosquitoes pest about and dine on our flesh with wild abandon.
Mark thee this, we have tired of thy wicked ways. 
A pox on thee, humidity, a pox…