Grenadilla on Kid Tune Tuesday…

ktt2 Grenadilla on Kid Tune Tuesday...

Grenadilla has this adorable little song called The Family Song.  The lyrics are really sweet, and remind me of several things.  The first thing it brings to mind is the first trip we took with Mr. B as a little insular family – no grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins; no weddings, reunions, etc. – to Hawaii.  Mr. B dipped his feet in to the ocean for the first time, and the whole trip felt like a familial rejuvination.

The second thing this song reminds me of?  The day we brought Miss P home from the hospital.  We were all sitting around the dining table eating lunch, and out of no where, Mr. B looks at me and says “We’re a family!”  And in my postnatal hormonal mess, I held back the temptation to weep openly and scare the living heck out of him.  It was such a sweet statement.  And true.   Unfortunately, I can’t find a video or anything of this song, but you really should check it out on iTunes when you get a chance!

And the results:
MR B:  Aw, Mommy, I like this one… four%20sippy%20cup Grenadilla on Kid Tune Tuesday...  
MISS P:  I don’t wike this one.  More Tangled, Mommy!  two%20sippy%20cup Grenadilla on Kid Tune Tuesday...