Playing well with others…

friendshipsMy daughter walked in to the wide open gym, excited about her week at camp.  Her first full-day camp.  She was looking forward to playing with kids her age, swimming a ton and hoping someone would play Mermaids with her in the pool.

We had originally signed up for camp because we thought friends of ours were going to be there as well.  Then plans changed and our friends had to cancel.  Still, I figured it would be a good change of pace in the middle of the summer.  For all of us.

Sure, she’s only four years old.  But she seems to be a pretty outgoing kid, loves to play with older kids, and since the starting age was 4, there would surely be a ton of other kids her age to play with.  That was my justification, anyway.

I happened to be in the dressing room the same time her group was changing in to swimsuits for the pool.  I scoured the collage of bikinis and one-piece Disney bathing suits and spotted her, on a bench by herself, struggling to get her clothes in to her backpack.  All the other girls, slightly older than her, were lined up along the sinks chatting with each other.  And when my daughter got in line behind them, she got in line alone, with no one to talk to.

Even as I peeked in on her from the parking lot a few minutes later, she appeared to be wading in the water alone.  My Mom Guilt went in to overdrive.

Did I push her to go to camp too soon?  Is she having a horrible time?  Are the kids in her group mean?  Have I not taught her how to make friends?

The next day, looking in the gym at my daughter in a sea of kids, she was sitting by herself, just watching.  A wallflower.  Hoping someone would ask her to play.

Watching her, the only thought that crossed my mind was this:  do we have the same problem?

The hope that if we just send out the “be my friend” vibe, that someone will miraculously take us up on that offer?

As I get older, I find it harder to cultivate new friendships, let alone maintain the ones I already have.  I’ve always been more of the “a few small good friends” than “a large network of pals” kind of gal.  This move has been harder than any other move I’ve ever made, and I find myself a year later missing having a close friend nearby to call on.

And new experiences are harder to face fearlessly as I age.  I hesitate before saying yes to a party, finding reasons to skirt outings where I don’t know anyone.

I am becoming a hermit.  A lonely hermit.

So I had to sit my little girl down and explain how she can try to make friends at camp.  Be nice.  Share.  Smile.  Find a kid who isn’t playing with someone, muster up the courage to approach them and say “Hi!  My name is P.  Would you like to play with me?”

And if they say no, which could very well happen, then she shouldn’t take it personally.  Just go find someone else.  There’s a room of possibility.  When all else fails, befriend a counselor.  It’s what we’re paying them for.

Somehow those instructions don’t seem as easy to follow as an adult.  There’s an unspoken protocol that I haven’t been able to figure out.  How to make acquaintances turn in to valid friendships.  How to maneuver that delicate dance of being chatty at soccer practices, but not seeming too annoying or desperate.  And once you’ve exchanged numbers or email addresses, how to find the time to keep those relationships growing.

Is it appropriate to call up a girlfriend and ask for a grown-up play date?  Or have your spouse call their spouse and arrange something?  Do they have camps for 40 year-old stay-at-home moms?

No?  They don’t?

Well, then I guess I need to head back to Plan A.

I’ve been trying.  Trying to reach out to old friends and fan those flames of friendship.  Dragging my ass to a dance class I’d never set foot in before.  Making the effort to reach out to acquaintances that long ago mentioned grabbing coffee.  Putting a dress on and heading to a party where I know no one else.  Smiling.

And I’ve been practicing my introduction.

Growing pains…

Unpacking has been chugging along.  We moved in to our house last Friday, and my first priority was getting the kids rooms set up for them, which was pretty easy to do (except for not having the hardware to Mr. B’s bed…good thing he likes camping, as he slept on his mattress on the floor).  The kids now have this ginormous playroom, which they gladly enjoyed TRASHING on Friday as their aunt tried to get things out of boxes.  It took me over six hours last Sunday to get this

 to look like this:

They have been warned, I will slap a lock on that door faster than Linsay Lohan will end up back in jail if the room ends up like this again.  So far they’ve done a great job of keeping it fairly clean, and I’m grateful that it does have a door I can close.

In the middle of all the packing, the kids were itching to get outside to play and meet some kids.  There’s a no-fence policy here in Dublin.  It’s kind of nice that when you look outside you see wide open space.  At the same time, there are no real boundaries between the yards.  A neighbor told us that the kids will stop short of the property line and talk to each other as if there’s an invisible fence there, which I think is a very funny image.  But I think it also means that if you like your neighbors, it can potentially expand your yard space, so, BONUS!

Mr. B is a happy, social kid.  He loves talking to complete strangers, everyone is a friend.  I love this about him, I love how open and sharing he is with other kids his age, wanting to show them the book he has or get them to play with him.  I don’t ever want him to lose that. 

However, the kids we’ve meet here so far are, I don’t know…shy?  Sour?  Stand-offish?  You’ll say hello to them and ask them what their name is, and they’ll murmur it, then just stare at you.  Mr. B or I will ask them questions and they won’t really answer.  What is that?  It feels like we’re on a Manhattan subway, for goodness sake!

Mr. B had seemed to hit it off with a neighborhood kid a year older than him (who for the sake of anonymity shall be called Kid).  The night before our moving truck arrived, Mr. B started chatting with this kid (at first B was asking questions and this kid was just staring at him, then they found the common ground that is LEGO’s and Star Wars and became friendly) and they took off playing on the swing set together.  It appeared to be going well.  As we were walking back in to the house, Mr. B said to me “I asked that kid if he would be my friend, and he said Yes!” and I smiled and thought, “wow, that was easy!”  The next day when our stuff arrived, Kid’s mom was gracious enough to let our kids play in her backyard with her kids.  Kid is a little rough around the edges, but he’s also a year older.  Kid has a sister that’s Miss P’s age, so all four of them were running around our yards, and it felt like kid heaven. 

The next morning Mr. B wanted to play with Kid, but we never saw him outside and had other stuff to do.  That night, at pillow talk time with Daddy, Mr. B told Jon that Kid had hit him the day before when B wouldn’t get off this scooter right away (while it was moving), and then said some other mean things to him.  B was a bit sad that his immediate friend wasn’t as nice as he hoped.  And then, he said the cutest/saddest thing to Jon.  Mr. B suggested that he put up signs around the neighborhood asking if someone nice would be his friend.

God, it broke my heart.  However, we’ve only been here a week.  Things will happen.  I’ve been having conversations with B about how this is hard for Mommy and Daddy as well.  We’d all like to make friends, but it might take time. 

The next day, we splurged and joined a gym.  Y’all, this gym is AWE-SOME!  Not only does it have a ton of cardio machines, about 80 classes a week ranging from yoga to hip-hop, but it also has a child care center for the kids, a fantastic indoor leisure pool, and an equally fantastic outdoor pool with two huge water slides.  A perfect way to spend the summer.  Miss P is too little, but Mr. B had to do a swim test if he wanted to go down the slide.  25 meters.  Without touching the sides or the bottom.  I wasn’t sure how good of a swimmer he was, to be honest.  But he DID IT!  The first half of the pool I felt confident about, but as he crossed the halfway mark and  was still going strong, I got excited.   P and I ran down to the end and cheered for him, yelling and jumping up and down as he finally reached the side.

The look on his face after he got out?  Priceless.  Puffed up with pride.  And that moment right there washed away the stress of the past couple of days.  I wish I could bottle that moment up and keep it forever.