Blue October on Kid Tune Tuesday Thursday…

ktt2 Blue October on Kid Tune Tuesday Thursday...

Okay, so I’ve let this slip a little lately, but it’s back!  This week’s song seems so fitting right now for me.  It comes from yet another adult band as well.  Why am I a sucker for the Big Kid songs that work well with the Little Ones?

Blue October hails from Texas (and let me just take a moment to tip my “I lived a nice portion of my life in Texas” cowboy hat to them) and I seriously doubt that, when they recorded this song, they had visions of it playing on children’s music stations years later.  But man, am I glad it is.  I get a little happier when I hear this song in the car.  It’s a helpful reminder that most things in life, the good and the bad, are temporary.

And now for the results:

MR B:  This one has a rockin’ edge to it, I’m sooo over baby music.     four%252520sippy%252520cup%252520white Blue October on Kid Tune Tuesday Thursday...
MISS P:  Is it time for me to scream YEEEAAAHH! yet?   three%252520sippy%252520cup%252520white Blue October on Kid Tune Tuesday Thursday...