Surviving a sleepover: I ain’t ‘fraid of no ghosts…

ghostbusters sleepover

When my son was five years old, we notified him that his sixth birthday would be the last time we threw him a big party.  For a while, at least.  Maybe we’d revisit the idea of a party when he turned 10, or 12, or 16.  But either way, he’d better enjoy his sixth, because after that, he’d enter drought season.

However, that didn’t mean that we wouldn’t celebrate his birthday.  On his actual birthday a week ago, we went to dinner at a restaurant of his choosing, scarfed down some sugary dessert, and made a big deal of things.  I even brought in a treat for his class…the legendary “Fruit Cake”:

fruit cake

In lieu of a big party, we told him we’d invite a small handful of friends over for dinner and a sleepover.

Yeah. A sleepover.

I’m pretty sure I’m a glutton for punishment.

With only four other boys to wrangle, I didn’t think it would be that bad.  I figured they’d spend most of the time running around, screaming their heads off, then it would be time for bed.  All I had to do was order a pizza and stay out of the way.

Except, if you know me, you know I’m incapable of doing that.

I had to have a “theme”! There must be a theme, right????

Since my son wanted to watch Ghostbusters with his buddies, I grabbed on to that idea and began scouring the internet.  Surely, I thought there was something easy I could whip up that would strike that perfect balance of keeping the boys entertained, but also hit the Cool jackpot.

Someone posted their Ghostbusters birthday party on Pinterest and that’s when I found it.

Homemade Proton Packs.

It looked easy enough.  So four days before the party, I hit the craft store for supplies and got started.

And once I did, I couldn’t stop myself.  I had to add this little flair and that flourish.  I had to not only make it look authentic, but reinforce it enough that the kids could use it over and over.  And it had to kick some ass.

Because I am a nerd.

Two days later, my house looked like a proton pack sweat shop.  Boxes and tape and tubing was everywhere. I had experienced enough hot glue burns to eradicate all of my fingerprints.

But, man, did I have fun.


ghostbusters collage

I rigged up a spray can attachment on those suckers so we could hook up silly string cans and let the boys loose in the basement to bust some ghosts.  It was a huge hit.  Certainly not environmentally conscious, I bought 3 cans of silly string for each kid (plus my husband, my daughter and her friend) which totaled 25 cans in all.  They plowed through ALL of them in less than five minutes.

I would just replenish someone’s ammo when I’d hear “I’m OUT!”  It was a fast and furious ghost busting, to say the least.  And the next morning, as they poured their tired bodies in their parents car, they made sure to have their pack with them.

To see the smiles on their faces, the sheer excitement in their eyes, and the carpet of silly string left in their wake?  It made those three craft days worth it.

And as I sat back after I’d finished the final touches on the last proton pack, admiring my work, one glaring thought came to mind.

I think it’s time I get a day job.


Oh Oh It’s Magic!…

We had Mr. B’s 6th birthday party a couple of weekends ago, and since then, the moving train has taken off like the high speed bullet kind, which is one reason why I haven’t had much time to post.  If you read about my crafty preparation for Miss P’s party, then you’ve probably figured out that Mr. B’s party was no exception.  I had printed out all of these old vintage sings for magicians, made some funky signs with magician phrases, made some cut-outs for the kids to take pictures in, decorated a bunny popping out of a hat on a giant cookie, and vomited helium balloons and streamers all over the party space.  

Mr. B had to add his own signage…

For his party, we hired a magician to come entertain 25 kids, mostly 6 year olds with a smattering of 3 year olds.  Yes, you read that right.  25 kids.  Most of them dropped off.  We had some leftover Adult Beverages from Miss P’s party that I brought along for the parents that remained, and it took every ounce of willpower not to crack open a beer during the party.  But, being the responsible person I am, I made sure to wait until that last kid was picked up.  And then it took all of .2 seconds to have a cold beer in hand. 

We had the party at this gorgeous clubhouse that a friend’s friend’s mom reserved for us.  Y’all, this place was so nice and fancy that I was tempted to move in.  It had another side room where we set the magician’s show up.  And since Schlotzsky’s is Mr. B’s favorite sandwich, we ordered a tray of food, threw some chips and popcorn in to some magic hats, and let the paid magician do the rest.

The show itself?  Rip roaring hilarious.  A bit animated for my adult palette, but perfect for little kids.  Magic Rob didn’t seem to mind all the shrieking and cackling that went on at ear-piercing decibels.  At one point I was worried we might get asked to leave by the apartment doorman, but no one came it to tell us to turn it down.  And no child left a puddle of urine on the floor from laughing so hard, as sure as I was that it might happen.  Mr. B got to help out with quite a few tricks, and amazingly all the kids sat and watched the entire 45-min show.

And even though I was exhausted at the end, my ears might have been bleeding, and I think I even gained another gray hair to add to my collection, I’d do it all over again.  There’s nothing quite like the joy you experience in watching your child have a fantastic time.  Seeing Mr. B feel celebrated by his buddies, singled out by the magician as a helper, and even showing off his own magic trick before the show began, I was filled with maternal pride.  Here was my little boy, living in the moment, his moment.  This little kid who scared us when he was born with how tiny he was, now standing before us completely confident and loving life.  Presto Change-o indeed…

Hey shortie, it’s your birthday…

I don’t know about any of you, but we’ve been slammed with birthday parties over here.  Our own kids AND other friends.  For a while there, we even had trouble booking my own son’s birthday party, as it is double booked behind a ex-student’s (who has done this for the past 3 years with us, even though her son’s birthday is in JUNE…but I digress…) party on the same day, one hour earlier on the complete opposite side of town.  And we’re not the only family to have fallen to the rescheduling nightmare.  In the thick of things, emails were flying back and forth requesting parents to change the time of another student’s party so their kids could make it after their soccer games and such.  Y’all, I have had it with the birthday party drama.  After all this went down, I informed Mr. B that this would probably be the last year we have a big party for him.  After the Big 6th, we’ll resort to doing something small like taking friends to a movie or lunch, or having a sleep over.

There seems to be as much mompetition (thanks, Keesha!  Hi!) over parties as there is over getting in to a good preschool or comparing notes as to when your kids became potty trained.   Some parties are pretty small and quaint (my favorites!) and some are big hooplas with gift bags so fancy even I’d want one.  The parties for our kids fall somewhere in between, more on the quaint side.  This year, Mr. B will be having a magician who, for extra cash, also churns out balloon animals.  There’s your party favor right there kids!  You’re welcome.  And since Mr. B could care less about creative decor, I’m buying helium balloons and streamers and calling it a day.  Easy peasy.

Miss P, on the other had, had her birthday party here at our teeny home last weekend.  And y’all, I went nuts with the crafting of the decor and the ambiance and the like.  She wanted a Tangled party, and I took that idea and ran with it, as giddy and excited as a happy woman in a grassy meadow filming a tampon commercial.  With a couple of googling results, I was equipped with some ideas and spent the week of her party cutting out sunbursts and braiding hair until my hands cramped into a rigid claw.

It must be lack of creativity I’m getting in the rest of my life, perhaps.  This need to create and pour my soul in to something and watch a new idea sprout and take on a life of its own.  Sure, I didn’t sleep for 5 nights, but I loved every minute of it.

I have even almost purged out of my memory the event that happened mid-week, where I spent two hours making a voluptous yellow yarn wig for Miss P to wear and look like Rapunzel, only for her to shoot me down after looking at it for two seconds and declare she wouldn’t wear it.  In a stroke of genius (or perhaps lunacy), I deconstructed that wig two hours before her party and made long braids on headbands for all the girls at the party.  What a hit they were! 

And my little girl had an absolute blast.  At some point during the party, I looked at her, leading all of her buddies in to her plastic playhouse in the backyard, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.  She is no longer a baby.  I knew that, in reality, but it just hit me.  She plays with others now, has her own opinions and wishes, is fully aware that this day was for her.  It feels like a long bridge to cross, from infancy to now.  And yet, I feel I’ve traveled on it with some kind of Star Trek transporter at warp speed.  Before I know it, she’ll be shunning me in public, spending all of her free time on the phone or internet, and telling me she hates me while rolling her eyes.  Or something like that.  And she won’t want birthday parties at our home filled with fantasy and yarn braids and construction paper decor.  But maybe I’ll try to sneak in a streamer or two…

A spoonful of sugar…

Please excuse my absence – I haven’t been paying attention to this blog enough lately.  What’s that thing that my mother used to say?  “If you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say anything”? 


I could have easily flooded this site with countless downer posts, as that’s how I’ve been feeling.  But I’m also doing a lot of work on myself lately, trying to dissolve some of these negative feelings and thoughts, and coming in here to purge them all only seems like perpetuation.  And I AM doing better.  Considering that Tuesday I was a phone call away from begging my doctor to up my Zoloft prescription, I’ve backed away from that decision and am about 75% back to normal. 

Which is a good thing, considering Mr. B turns FIVE tomorrow!  We’ve planned a big ole party for him at the local spastic fodder bouncy house/indoor playground place, invited all of his classmates and friends, and are prepared for an afternoon of sugar highs and lows, provided The Rapture doesn’t get to us first.  I spent most of last night stuffing goodie bags and finishing up our CD favors (which include several of the songs you’ve seen on Kid Tune Tuesday!), and today’s mission (after I get off my lazy ass, close the computer, and clean the house) is to make two gigantic cookie cakes.  Wish me luck. 

And!  Lucky Me!  We’re headed to see U2 tonight!  Their first stop of the US 360 tour, post-Bono back surgery.  While I’m super excited, I’m not looking forward to sitting in the nosebleed section of the football stadium in 40 degree weather.  Let’s face it, I’m a Southern Gal.  I do not tolerate being cold very well, and quickly turn in to a whiny toddler.  While everyone there will be all dolled up and fancy or hip, I’ll be the one covered from head to toe in fleece, donning a scarf, hat and gloves, and trying to enjoy the music through my ear muffs.  Whatever.  It’s a night away from the kids!  The last time I saw U2, I had a vague premonition that I might be pregnant with Mr. B, but drank a large beer anyway.  I did think, though “how fun would it be to have our little guy/gal in here listening to one of the greatest bands of all time?” The next day, I took a pregnancy test. 

There will be no repeat, folks.  But I’m sure the show will be just as memorable. 

The gift that keeps on giving…

Birthday Party Season is upon us.  Between now and the end of the month, we have something like 7-8 parties to go to, including but not limited to my own son’s.  And with each one comes the need to bring a gift.  Crikey.

Before Mr. B hit preschool, I used to include the “Please No Gifts” tag in his invitations.  Really, he doesn’t need more crap.  But then we started getting the invitations for school friends parties when they all started turning four.  We made the ignorant mistake of showing up to the first party empty handed, and that’s when I realized that not every kid has those kinds of gift-free parties.  The worst types of parties are the ones where the birthday kid sits there and opens all of their shiny presents in front of a bunch of drooly and nap-deprived toy coveters.  That one always ends badly.  Mr. B’s birthday is at the end of the school year, so when we finally had his party, I said “Screw it!” to the no gift policy and let the boy have his way.  Damn it, we’d spent hundreds of dollars on little gifts for the 20 or so parties we’d attended throughout the year, each one meaning a stressful trip to a toy store in which I had to explain to Mr. B that we were not there to buy something for him (I quickly learned my lesson and did most of the rest of the shopping on my own).  So, Mr. B could certainly have his day.  I really applaud the parents who stick to their guns and hold firm on this gift thing.  Out of the 15-20 invitations we’ve received to little kid parties this year, only three parents requested donations to charities in lieu of gifts.  To them, I stand and give an O Captain My Captain applause.  My kid?  He scowled and threw a fit when I suggested this.  Not in to giving, I guess, and I’m too much of a pushover to stand my ground.

With that in mind, I’ve run out of ideas.  What kind of toys do you enjoy giving to five year olds?  What’s the new IT toy?  That runs approximately $10-$15-$20?