The Deedle Deedle Dees on Kid Tune Tuesday

Lately, we’ve been having discussions around our house about appropriate behavior. More specifically, how to act when you’re feeling angry or frustrated. And no, the answer is not hauling off and whacking your sister when she does or does not do something you do or do not want her to do. (Nor is the correct answer wanting to run screaming from the house, but that’s what wine is for). And leave it to music to help me teach this lesson.

The Deedle Deedle Dees have this adorable song titled “Ah Ahimsa.”  The writer of the song writes on their website that he came up with this song after working with a particularly wild class in the South Bronx who was having a hard time practicing nonviolence.  My kids love this song, and it opened the door to discussing Ghandi with my son.  What he stood for, how he practiced nonviolence and civil disobedience.  And now, when I see my son getting riled up, I will sometimes whisper “Ahimsa” and he’ll rethink his reaction a bit.  Any chance I can get to shake out my limbsa, I’m all for it!

And now for the results:

MR B:  Ah Ah Ah like it!   
MISS P:  Do I get to say “yeah” when I sing it?  Awesome.