About Me

 About MeI currently hold the titles of wife, mom, former dancer, blogger, butt-wiper, paper-airplane maker, princess/fairy costumer, snack connoisseur, pillow fort architect, and house D.J.  You can follow me on and , or holler at me on

In my former life, I was a professional modern dancer.  A relocation in 2012 has left me semi-retired.  A formula for an identity crisis, for sure!  I’m contemplating my next move, one that involves less sweat and is kinder on an aging body, perhaps.  But with less snot or poop than motherhood.

In the meantime, I’m focusing on parenting, trying to maintain my sanity, and using children’s music as a form of therapy.  And chocolate.  Lots and lots of chocolate.


Someone has graciously nominated my blog for Circle of Moms’ Top 25 Funny Moms! But I need YOUR VOTES to help me finish in the Top 25! I’m lumped in with some big Titans of Funny, so my chances are slim, but YOUR vote can help me get there. Just click on that nifty badge below and vote. You can vote once a day, every day until February 13th at 4pm PST. I’d appreciate it!

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