Fabulous Fall Giveaway!

September 22nd is a bittersweet date. It’s the first day of fall, which means saying goodbye to summer, sandals, and sundresses. For many, it means embracing the chance to get reacquainted with cozy sweaters, fun boots, and pumpkin-spiced everything.

And for me, it also means I turn another year old.

Yep, today is my birthday! I have big plans to spend the day doing fun things like paying bills, organizing my closet, and using the occasion as an excuse to eat something chocolatey on an hourly basis.

I know, I’m going WILD, right?

But when some fellow blogger friends suggested hosting another giveaway to start today of all days, I said “Heck yeah!” What better way to celebrate my birthday than by giving YOU a chance to win some cold hard cash?

I’m a giver like that.

First, let’s meet the the bloggers who have joined forces to offer up this Fabulous Fall Giveaway!

Fabulous Fall Giveaway

Down the left side: Jen, Jessica and Julia.  And then down the right side: JeanaeGina and Rachel.
When you get a moment, do me a big favor and go check them out!

To enter the giveaway, all you have to do is participate in the Rafflecopter below. The funds will be transferred immediately via Paypal once the winner has been notified. And then, you know, the winner might want to head out and buy a new fall sweater. Or a pumpkin-spiced pumpkin. Totally up to you, winner. Go nuts.

Good luck!


  1. I love everything pumpkin and spicy! Tall boots, and the crisp air. :)

  2. I absolutely love fall, especially the pumpkins and the leaves changing colors in the mountains.

  3. Campfires!

  4. Tonya Dreese says:

    firepits, hoodies, hot coca.

  5. Bonny Brockhouse says:

    I Love The Idea of Fall❗️We Dont Have Much Of It Here
    In Sunny, Hot Central Florida ☀️We Can Turn Our Air Conditilners
    Down To 66• and Surround Ourselves With Red and Gold Leaves
    And Pray for November

    • @Bonny – Perhaps I need to move to Florida then. I’d be okay going through the winter without shoveling my driveway!

  6. Austin Baroudi says:

    Seasonal pumpkin flavored products!

  7. Kids going back to school…lol. Really, Halloween! I have always been a fan.

  8. Bonfires and football!! And the temperature mmmkay yay

  9. Fall means my middle daughters birthday, hoodies, pumpkin patches, Apple picking, pumpkin flavored everything, and beautiful leaves falling. It’s a wonderful time!

  10. I love that I can finally make hot cocoa!

  11. Marilyn Nawara says:

    I like that the kids go back to school and everyone is back on a regular schedule. Also like the cooler days.

  12. The temperatures dropping into double digits- no more 100 degree days!
    Holly Marie recently posted…Afternoon Coffee DateMy Profile

    • We never really go that toasty where I live, so I’m somewhat sad that cooler weather is already here.


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