Over-scheduled and underpaid…


The 12 of you that regularly read this blog may have been wondering where I’ve been lately.

No, I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth.  I’ve just spent the last two weeks in the bowels of school fundraising. Swimming in last minute errands and tidying up projects. And managing to let everything else around me slide down in to a muddy, stinky pit of procrastination and forgetfulness.

I was so busy that I was unable to keep up with the basic things in life like paying bills, getting enough sleep, and regular bowel movements.

For the past four months, I had been coordinating and executing 11 grade-level art projects for our schools’ biggest fundraising event of the year. And I am no artist.  My stick figures would make any preschool teacher cringe.  I have yet to find my .

Thank god for a wonderful art teacher who guided me through every project and held my hand as I begged for suggestions on art supplies and techniques.  Together we made a great team and helped the students produce some really fantastic pieces of children’s art.

But I think I’d rather walk barefoot over hot coals naked while carrying a fridge on my back as birds peck at my eyeballs than volunteer to do that again.

Don’t get me wrong, it was nice to meet some other parents in the school, to befriend some wonderful teachers, and get to know administration on a first-name basis.

But the operative word in this whole endeavor is VOLUNTEER.  As in, I didn’t get paid, and neither did anyone else.  And it was a ton of work.  And time.  Time I’d rather spend next year looking for work that does pay.  Or at the very least, spending that time making sure my underwear get washed regularly.

On top of the time I spent helping to get this event organized last week during the kids’ school hours, there was all the other life things that overtook my schedule and sanity.  Like missing naps three days in a row to get doctor’s visits or errands in.  Or having sandwiches for dinner in the car those same three days in a row on the way to a baseball game or soccer practice or dance recital photos.

All while my husband was called out of town for work.

Normally, things don’t coincide quite like that.  But when they do?  It wreaks havoc on the whole energy of the house.  The kids felt it, for sure, and retaliated with sour moods and shredded patience with each other.  And me.  And my sour mood.

I wouldn’t say that we’re over-scheduled on a regular basis, so I didn’t have a plan in place for a week like last week.  How do people do that all the time?

Thankfully, things have slowed way down and are returning to normal.  Now that I’m not burning the candle at both ends, I’m a bit less stressed out on those evenings when bedtime is pushed late for a baseball game.  I can plan a meal that has at least two representatives from the basic food groups.  And I’m remembering to brush my teeth.

I can remember all of this chaos and running around when I was a teenager.  Eating egg-salad sandwiches in the car on the way from school to dance class, all the while covertly changing in to my tights and leotard with the deft and limberness of a contortionist as we drove down the highway.

But now that I’M the parent?  It sucks.  So I’m asking for help.

Those of you that have these kinds of schedules in place All The Time, what’s your secret?

I’m not talking about the “just take a moment to breathe” or “make it all the night before” kind of advice, but the honest “this saved my ass more than once” kind of tricks.

How do you manage to keep  one kid entertained while trying to watch the other hit home runs or do shuffle-hop-steps?  How do you keep them from getting scurvy on a steady diet of peanut butter sandwiches or fast food?  And how do you keep from pulling your hair out when you realize you haven’t had a moment to yourself all day?




  1. Glad to have you back and hope that things return to normal for you. I look forward to reading your blog.
    Christy Garrett recently posted…5 Common Pregnancy Symptoms that Dads-To-Be Often ExperienceMy Profile

    • Thanks, Christy! At some point it will feel like I can come up for air. And I can’t wait for it!

  2. I don’t know how you do it! I’m a SAHM and feel in over my head sometimes! Then again, I’m sure if my kids were a little older and in school most of the day it would be a bit easier.. But then to juggle work with it too (and volunteering!) no idea how I’d handle it!
    Anna M recently posted…My Profile

    • Anna, I’m a SAHM as well, just work VERY part-time from home. But it always feels like there’s never enough hours in the day. Ever.

  3. I asked Becky McNeer that all the time. She’s a realtor, mom, social media queen of The Social Media Panel and still doing a great job of everything. I think we all get overwhelmed at some point and just have to let time pass. I don’t know but I don’t sleep is my secret. :)

    • Lexie, I wish I could function on very little sleep. But I’m a rotten mother when I don’t get enough! I keep looking at my calendar and trying to figure out how to fit in all the stuff I NEED to do, as well as all the stuff I WANT to do. One day, one day! I’ll get this all sorted out…

  4. Juggling well all the roles that a mom has to play is quite overwhelming. Congrats to you because you have survived momma!
    I still should learn the techniques. At the present, I only have a son, he’s a toddler. As much as I want to have more time with him, I just can’t because of responsibilities in my work. So I’m also torn in finding balance with my family time and career.
    Kristine @ A Changed Life recently posted…The 30th International AIDS Candlelight MemorialMy Profile

    • Kristine, I hear ya on trying to find balance. If I spend time when the kids are awake trying to catch up on things, I feel guilty for not playing with them all the time. And if I play with them all the time, then I stay up way too late getting things done and spend the next day too exhausted to play.

  5. I hear ya;) I don’t have the kids anymore, but I’m just going non-stop even more now than when I had them. I do take a day off once in a blue moon to just watch a movie or something, and try to tell myself it’s ok…I’ll do that thing tomorrow. The worst is to dwell on it, and always streamline as much as possible so you feel in control;)
    Courtney~Mommy LaDy Club recently posted…5 Ingredients for a Magic Marketing FormulaMy Profile

    • Courtney, I definitely think I need a day where I go off-grid. It’s just finding a day where we’re not stretched thin where I can do that! I really think I need to focus on organizing a carpool or something in the fall. The driving all over is what kills me.

  6. You go girl… sounds like you rocked it like a boss!!! So, don’t sweat the small stuff –ack (that saying makes me cringe)! Nah, seriously, I dunno know… this Mom business is grueling. As it turns out –a cooler is my saving grace.

    My CRAZY busy day is Wednesday; we start early in the morning and don’t get home until late that night… I’ve started packing a cooler with cut up vegi’s, dip sauce and fruit… (simple to ‘throw’ together) when ever I cook chicken I’ll cook extra and freeze –thaw, shred it, mix a ‘lil mayo and spread on a wrap and boom. And, as a sweet treat and super simple; I’ll dip strawberries or banana in chocolate cool until chocolate hardens and take along in the cooler –my kids love it.

    • You brought your A game with that cooler suggestion, love it! And I imagine it saves you from having to resort to junk food, which I hate when I do that. I’m off to dig out my Igloo from the bowels of my basement…


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