Click Click! Elska on Kid Tune Tuesday….

I’ve been spending an enormous amount of time lately trying to shed some weight.

From my laptop’s hardware.

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It appears that I’m dangerously close to maxing out my poor little MacBook Pro’s hard drive space. And since I’m not privy to plunking down a couple g’s for a new laptop, I’ve taken on the painstaking task of purging my data.

Starting with the 15,000+ photos I have stored on iPhoto.  Yes, you read that right.  15,000.  It’s insane.  Some are duplicates, having been transferred a few times with a new hard drive or new phone. And there’s a vast collection of blurry, accidental photos of the inside of my purse, my palms and the kitchen floor.

The only thing saving my sanity (and my computer from being chucked in to the fireplace) whilst doing this project is the reminiscing I get to do while scouring the archives. Photos of my babies all fresh and mushed.  Our garage being demolished. Way too many bad haircuts.

But, I’ve also noticed, very few photos of me.  Even fewer of me with my kids.  One thing I’m resolving to change this year.  How grateful I am to Apple by putting an awesome camera on their products!  It makes it super easy to grab my phone and snag photos of my kids doing things I couldn’t have begun to form the words to describe. Or better yet, photo bombing them with my hammy face while capturing it.

ElskaClick Click” is one of those songs we like to sing out loud in our family, as it’s gotten a lot of airplay on .  Part techno, part pop, it’s catchy and bubbly, but not so much you want to claw your way out of the car about 20 seconds in.

It seems like the Mom iPhone Theme Song.  Who hasn’t pawed their way through the lock screen to get their camera up and running to catch the ones they love doing something amazing?  As the lyrics tout, “cause when you smile, it makes me smile.”  Ever notice how you have far fewer photos of your kids in a meltdown then you do of them in a giddy, euphoric state?

Children’s music artist Elska is one of those projects you’re either going to love for its quirkiness, or get queasy from it’s youthful vibrance.

Singer/actress Shelley Wollert and producer Allen Farmelo have created this identity of Icelandic singer Elska, who wears some pretty bizarre outfits.  Think Bjork spawning a child with DJ Lance from Yo Gabba Gabba.  And you’ve got Elska.

I’m not sure I’ve swallowed all of Elska’s super sweet Kool-Aid, but I AM a fan of “Click Click.”  My son?  Not a fan.  But Miss P?  Man, you should see how large her mouth opens up when she throws her head back and sings along.  And that?

That’s something I need to take a picture of.

Elska’s album Middle of Nowhere is available for purchase on iTunes, Amazon, and CD Baby.

Someone has graciously nominated my blog for Circle of Moms’ Top 25 Funny Moms! But I need YOUR VOTES to help me finish in the Top 25! I’m lumped in with some big Titans of Funny, so my chances are slim, but YOUR vote can help me get there. Just click on that nifty badge below and vote. You can vote once a day, every day until February 13th at 4pm PST. I’d appreciate it!

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