Slow as molasses…

“That will be ready next week…”

“The earliest we can deliver that is next week…”

“We’re not available to install that for you until next week…”

 Slow as molasses...

It’s all I’ve heard over the past few days.  Basically, nothing’s going to happen with our house until next week.  Jon and I left the kids with grandparents in Indiana on Sunday to get out to Columbus early and get a leg up on the house.  There was furniture that needed to be bought, walls to be painted, services to be connected, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.  Except, despite the hours and hours we’ve spent in the last 3-4 days looking at furniture (not to mention the hours of time spent on the phone with utility customer service reps this week and in the weeks prior to moving), it feels as if we have very little to show for it, save for the fun and colorful leather dining chairs we snagged from Pier One.  The lone pieces of furniture in our house.

Wait, I take that back.  We DO have a giant box that houses a small bouncy house we plan on blowing up for the kids in the basement as a little surprise/reward for good behavior with their grandparents.  I plan on charging their future friends for admission to offset the cost of all of this shopping.

It just seems so anti-climactic, right?  We bought a home, pushed the previous owners out, flew across the country, got the place clean, and now have to spend days looking at blank walls.  Our furniture doesn’t arrive until Friday, along with the kids.  Not on the same truck.   I’m not naive about all this.  I know this is just how it is (it’s how it was when we moved to Denver as well).  I am aware that there is no instant gratification, that seeing this new house become Our Home will take time.   But I’m feeling antsy.  I want to get nesting ASAP.  (And, no, I’m not pregnant).  I want to feel grounded again.  I’m tired of living out of a suitcase, with someone else’s furniture.  Dammit, I want my own hairdryer!

I have to keep telling myself, “patience, little grasshopper.”  All in due time…


  1. says:

    Patience is a virtue. Catch it if you can. Always seen in women. Never in a man. NOT!!!! I hate waiting on that kind of stuff, Gina! I can’t wait to see the pics when you have everything done.

  2. says:

    I am not good at being patient. We are moving into a new house this week and I want everything done now! LOL! But like you I keep hearing the earliest we can do that is NEXT week. I just keep telling myself it will all be worth it once we are settled in.

  3. Momfever says:

    I can totally understand your impatience. It must be hard having to live out of a suitcase. It’s normal to want to start ‘nesting’ in your new home. I hope you get your stuff asap!

  4. says:

    Erin – that’s for sure! Waiting to see your home come to life is hard. But now that we’re here and have some things set up the way we want, I can wait another month. The kids love the giant running space that is our great room right now…

    Marisa – Good luck with your move! I’ve been killing myself staying up too late trying to get everything unpacked and organized the way I want it. My husband thinks I’m crazy, but I don’t want to drag all of this out.

    Momfever – It was pretty hard living out of a suitcase…it seemed like FOREVER, even though it was about 5 weeks. I’m starting to feel a little settled now, which is nice.


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