Cleaning pipes…

WARNING:  Imma ’bout to discuss something kind of gross.  Related to bodily functions.  If you have no desire to read on, I won’t hold it against you….

As if I needed anything else to cram in to the next few weeks were here in town (besides my last dance performance, coordinating camp drop off and such for Mr. B while filling Miss P’s free time, setting up utilities in Ohio [and those utilities companies?  What complicated bureaucracies, don't get me started...] and getting in doctor and dentist and eye doctor visits in for all of us), I’ve gotten thrown another wrench.  If you remember way back in January, I posted about some of my digestive issues.   And in general, I’d been feeling a bit better, though at times relying a bit more on my prescription of Zofran more than I’d like.  I cut back to one (one!) cup of coffee in the morning, been avoiding spicy foods, yada yada yada.  But I still don’t feel…right. 

A few weeks ago, I kept thinking I maybe strained an abdominal muscle or did something quirky to my psoas, so I had a massage therapist friend dig around there after class one day.  And her reaction?  That’s not a muscle that’s tender and irritated, that’s my colon.  A word-for-word replay of what my doctor said at my last annual exam in March.  To top it off?  (Here’s were the gross part comes in, avert your eyes, ye who are squimish about potty talk)  I gots me a fire in the hole.  A ‘roid.  I can’t bear to actually type the clinical name here.  But #2 has been awkward going, I’ve got some bleeding going on, and I figured I might as well get this checked out before we move. 

I went in to a GI specialist yesterday who listened to my story, did an exam, then determined that, along with my family history, it might be a good idea to go in and get things checked out.  From Both Ends.  I go on in Monday for an Upper Endoscopy AND a Colonoscopy.  DOUBLE WHAMMY!  The good news is that at least I’ll have some more information about what’s going on after all of this.  And I’ve been thinking of going on a cleanse anyway!  Hahaha…I kid.  The worst part, I hear, is the prep.  So I will be spending most of Father’s Day in the can.  At least I’ll be able to catch up on some reading, eh?  I’m trying to laugh to keep from crying, because I’m a nervous wreck.  To say I’m scared sh*tless is an understatement.  I don’t know what I’m more terrified of, the prep stuff, the actual procedure, or finding out the results.  My mind wants to wander to some dark, scary places.  Places that start with a big C.  Trying to shut that down and live normally through the next few days is difficult.  Sure, people get these things all the time.  Right?  And there could be a host of pretty small things that could be going on that are no big deal.  But at the same time, I think of Farrah Fawcett and lose it a little bit.  Tell me to shut up, will ya?


  1. says:

    Dang, what a “bummer”! Sorry, I couldn’t help myself!! I hope everything comes out all right…oh, there I go again! Seriously, I hope you feel better! It’s good that you are taking care of it.

  2. says:

    Oh, shit, lady! Sigh. It is always something. I am so glad that you were able to get sent to the right place – I mean your colon, who woulda thunk it? I hope that everything works out okay. It is a totally routine procedure. I’m sure you eat a good enough diet, and with your dancer’s discipline, if anything needs to change you’ll be all over that s–t (God what’s wrong with me?) :-)

  3. says:

    Lots of love to you G! You’re a good woman for going in and getting it done. As a wife and mother, part of your job is to stay healthy for your family – you’re doing a great job! Now, if only I can take a bit of your motivation and go in myself… I’ve been waaaaayyyyy too tired lately. Not good…

    I’ve mentioned before that we’re eerily alike in too many ways, right? I swear that most of your ‘personal’ posts happen just as I log in to write or research the same. damn. thing!

    Hopefully, you’re all cleared out by now. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers all day tomorrow. xoxoxo

  4. says:

    I am loving you, you tell it like it is :-) I applaud you for not just dealing with it, but going to the doctors to see what can be done, so you can stay healthy. Thanks for coming over to visit my blog! You asked about that potato chip cookies, yes you can add chocolate chips to them also, we just didnt have any, or I would have put them in! Thanks again for visiting.

  5. says:

    Hi there, I found you through Voice Boks! Hopefully, by the time you read this, the procedure will be complete and you’ll have your answers. I can empathize with you, having gone through “the prep” a couple of times. It is honestly something they should use on terrorists – one day with the prep and they’ll tell their captors everything they want to know. I can also empathize with you for another reason – I’ve had major issues in the rectal region thankfully no cancer. I had a rectal resection surgery for a condition called a rectocele and rectal prolapse. (I’m about to get a bit gross here) It is when the muscles holding your rectum in place weaken, and as a result, the rectum bulges into the vagina – causing pain when you sit. Thankfully, 3 years later, I’m much better….and you will be too, I have no doubt!! Good luck to you! Lisa Weinstein,

  6. says:

    I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Sure hope you are OK! Keep us updated. I didn’t mind the gross at all – we’re moms, after all, eh? Great post, too – you have a wonderful attitude.

  7. You will be fine! My mother actually looks FORWARD to colonoscopies (we have a family history of cancer, so I’ll be going down the roto rooter road fairly soon too) because she likes the twilight sleep they induce before hand. As for the family history, my great grandma had colon cancer back in the 1940′s. After surgery, she lived until she was 93 years old! And that was back before all the medical technology we have today. You’ll be fine! And oh, after 3 kids in 4 years, I know ALL about the ‘roids! Praying for ya!

  8. says:

    Erin – Thanks for the chuckle…I needed that perspective.

    Keesha – again, great jokes! Here’s another one: it will all come out in the end. I hope it’s nothing either, but we’ll find out tomorrow.

    R – thanks for your kind words. Yes, I do feel like we’re traveling on a very similar path. I’m hoping maybe I can take this scare as a good thing and try to clean up my eating habits and such once this is all over. One dose of this horrible stuff that makes me want to puke, one more to go this evening.

    Pamela – thanks. At the moment, I’m wishing I hadn’t gone to the doctor at all, but I guess it is better to find out what’s going on than live in denial. And NOW I know what I’m going to make on Tuesday when I can eat normal again!

    Hi Lisa – thanks for stopping by! The Prep is the worst. I don’t mind the bathroom part, it’s the drink that’s horrific. I’m trying to figure out how I can get through the next dose of it in half an hour. I hope I don’t have to do this anytime again soon! I’m glad to hear you’re doing better. I don’t have a whole lot of abdominal pain, just tenderness when I press against something and some bleeding when I poop. Ick.

    Columba Lisa – I will definitely come back in with an update. Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts, it means a lot! And of course, we’ve all had our fair share of poop, right?

    Audra – Looks forward to this? I had an upper about a decade ago, and I do remember sleeping the best night’s sleep of my life afterwards, so I’m definitely looking forward to that. But the other stuff makes me nervous. Thank you for sharing your story and your reassurance!

  9. says:

    Oh poo girl! This just stinks to high Heaven!

    For real though, I hope you’re feeling better and I’m glad you’re getting this taken care of. Your family needs you and your health is important. Keep us posted and I’m praying for you hun.

    Take care of yourself

  10. says:

    Oh dear. I hope the results of your tests show that there is an easy solution for you.
    Just breathe:)

  11. says:

    Sharon – nice wise cracks! You guys are full of them, for sure. I’m glad I got it taken care of, at least for peace of mind. I’m drafting a post of the results, but all looks good!

    Kristina – Thanks for the reminder…such a simple thing to do and yet so easy to forget to breathe. Results are good, nothing major, so that’s a relief!


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