Oh Oh It’s Magic!…

We had Mr. B’s 6th birthday party a couple of weekends ago, and since then, the moving train has taken off like the high speed bullet kind, which is one reason why I haven’t had much time to post.  If you read about my crafty preparation for Miss P’s party, then you’ve probably figured out that Mr. B’s party was no exception.  I had printed out all of these old vintage sings for magicians, made some funky signs with magician phrases, made some cut-outs for the kids to take pictures in, decorated a bunny popping out of a hat on a giant cookie, and vomited helium balloons and streamers all over the party space.  

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Mr. B had to add his own signage…

For his party, we hired a magician to come entertain 25 kids, mostly 6 year olds with a smattering of 3 year olds.  Yes, you read that right.  25 kids.  Most of them dropped off.  We had some leftover Adult Beverages from Miss P’s party that I brought along for the parents that remained, and it took every ounce of willpower not to crack open a beer during the party.  But, being the responsible person I am, I made sure to wait until that last kid was picked up.  And then it took all of .2 seconds to have a cold beer in hand. 

We had the party at this gorgeous clubhouse that a friend’s friend’s mom reserved for us.  Y’all, this place was so nice and fancy that I was tempted to move in.  It had another side room where we set the magician’s show up.  And since Schlotzsky’s is Mr. B’s favorite sandwich, we ordered a tray of food, threw some chips and popcorn in to some magic hats, and let the paid magician do the rest.

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The show itself?  Rip roaring hilarious.  A bit animated for my adult palette, but perfect for little kids.  Magic Rob didn’t seem to mind all the shrieking and cackling that went on at ear-piercing decibels.  At one point I was worried we might get asked to leave by the apartment doorman, but no one came it to tell us to turn it down.  And no child left a puddle of urine on the floor from laughing so hard, as sure as I was that it might happen.  Mr. B got to help out with quite a few tricks, and amazingly all the kids sat and watched the entire 45-min show.

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And even though I was exhausted at the end, my ears might have been bleeding, and I think I even gained another gray hair to add to my collection, I’d do it all over again.  There’s nothing quite like the joy you experience in watching your child have a fantastic time.  Seeing Mr. B feel celebrated by his buddies, singled out by the magician as a helper, and even showing off his own magic trick before the show began, I was filled with maternal pride.  Here was my little boy, living in the moment, his moment.  This little kid who scared us when he was born with how tiny he was, now standing before us completely confident and loving life.  Presto Change-o indeed…


  1. Victoria says:

    What a lucky kid! And a patient Mom for having so many kids there at once. Patience is a virtue… one you certainly have a lot of!

  2. says:

    Thanks, Victoria! At least the magician was responsible for most of the kid wrangling! I don’t know if I have a whole lot of patience, so much as I have a lot of confidence in other’s abilities to entertain my kids.

  3. Magicians have a certain way with kids, don’t they? My 6-year old daughter is always enchanted by them, no matter how run-of-the-mill their tricks are. That’s true, the joy you see in your child’s eyes after a fun party is well worth all the effort :)

  4. says:

    Pepperrific – that’s so true! My kids will get a kick out of those street magicians as well. Or anyone that knows that old Quarter-behind-the-ear trick. All that innocence I think, or maybe just a willingness to trust that magic can still happen.


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